Engage Voice | Historical dashboards reference

The Engage platform provides several dashboards organized by categories that provide data on current information. This article will help you read the default dashboards you can find in Historical dashboards in the Standard folder.
Note: Most of the reports used in dashboards can be found in the Standard folder of Historical reports. Read more about them in Historical reports reference.

Helpful hint!

Some parts of the UI will refer to reports as ‘insights.’ Reports are ‘insights’ as well. Still, most of the UI will only refer to reports as ‘reports’ and not ‘insights.’ Insight is a deprecated term.

Agent Activity Dashboard

The Agent Activity Dashboard provides an overview of agent activity within the omni-channel environment, covering both voice and digital activity. This dashboard has metrics that are split by channels. In the current release, the agent state data feed doesn't provide states on a channel level but provides voice and digital states separately, so the metrics built on the agent state feed can only be sliced by voice or digital data. Also, metrics that are built on segment feed can be sliced by channels where needed. 
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Agent Activity dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Channel Type: Narrows the report down to a certain channel type or a subset of channel types.
  • Agent Group: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent groups.
  • Agent Team: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent teams.
  • Agent Location: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent locations.
  • Agent Full Name: Narrows the report down to a subset of agents.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Agent Activity Dashboard, you can find several sections, namely Agent KPIs, Trends, Agent Login and Interaction Time Distribution, and Agent Activity Details.

Agent KPIs section

This section shows major agents KPIs. Below are the metrics under Agent KPIs sections:
  • Agents: Total number of agents that were logged in. Shows a comparison with the same count of agents for the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) is displayed in green for an increased value and in red for a decreased value.
  • Voice Login Utilization: Percentage of time that agents — as shown in Agents KPI — spent handling voice interactions, divided by the time agents were logged in. The change (shown in %) is displayed green for an increased value and in red for a decreased value.
  • Agent Voice Occupancy: Percentage of time that a voice agent is available to do work.
  • Digital Login Utilization: Percentage of time that agents — as shown in Agents KPI — spent handling customer interactions, divided by the time that agents were logged in. The change (shown in %) is displayed green for an increased value  and in red for a decreased value.
  • Agent Digital Occupancy: Percentage of time that a digital agent is available to do work.
  • Interactions: Total number of interactions that come into the platform.
  • Interactions Assigned: Total number of times that interactions from any channel were assigned to agents. Shows a comparison with the same count for the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) is displayed green for an increased value and in red for a decreased value.
  • Interactions Handled: Total number of times that agents worked from any channel. Shows a comparison with the same count for the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) is displayed green for an increased value and in red for a decreased value.
  • RNA Rate: Percentage of interactions of calls coming into the platform but not ringing.
  • Avg Handle Time: Average time it takes an agent to handle an interaction that is assigned to him. Includes Wrap Time. The change (shown in %) is displayed in red for an increased value and in green for a decreased value.

Trends section

This section shows charts on interactions and agent time distribution by channel type. Below are the metrics under for the Trends section:
  • Agents and Handled Interactions: Shows the Agents and Interactions Handled KPIs by day. Clicking on a bar will drill down to a pie chart, showing the number of interactions per channel for that day.
  • Agent Ring, Talk, and Wrap Time: Stacked bar chart showing the daily total of ring, talk, hold, and wrap time of segments handled by agents. Clicking on the bars of the chart will show how time is distributed by channels.

Agent Login and Interaction Time Distribution section

This section shows charts with agents login time distribution breakdown by channel type within a specific product. Below are the metrics under Agent Login and Interaction Time Distribution section:
  • Voice Agent Login Time Distribution: Stacked chart is based on metrics that are built on the agent base state feed. Shows how agents login time was distributed between engaged time (Engaged base states), available time (Available base state), and other times (a combination of all other base states). This bar chart is an extension of the Voice Agent Login Utilization KPI, which is displayed here as Voice Engaged Time %.
  • Digital Agent Login Time Distribution: Stacked chart is based on metrics that are built on the agent base state feed. Shows the percentage of digital working (Chat-engaged digital state), available (Chat-available), and other (a combination of all other digital states) states the time of the total agents login time. This is an extension of the Digital Agent Login Utilization KPI, which is displayed here as Digital Engaged Time %.
  • Agent Interaction Time Utilization: Stacked bar chart is based on metrics built on the interaction segment feed. It shows the distribution of Ring Time, Talk Time, and Wrap Time breakdown by product type. Percentages here are rounded. Note that talk time includes hold time.

Agent Activity Details section

This section allows you to export the report. Hover on the table and click on the More icon on its upper right. You can export the report into downloadable XLVL or CSV files. You can also click on Explore from here to download agent activity details with different metrics. The report in the table format shows statistics broken down by Agent Group, and by individual Agent. 
The following metrics below cover the entire agent activity dashboard:
  • Assigned: Assigned interactions.
  • RNA: Percentage of interactions of calls coming into the platform but not ringing.
  • Handled: The number of handled calls.
  • Manual Dials: The number of manually placed calls.
  • Manual Dials No Connect: The number of manually placed calls by an agent, but not connected.
  • Avg Handle Time: Average Handle Time over the interactions that were handled by agents.
  • Avg Ring Time: The average ring time over the interactions that were ringing at agents.
  • Avg Talk Time: The average talk time over the interactions that were handled by agents.
  • Avg Hold Time: The average time an agent puts a call on hold.
  • Avg Wrap Time: The average time an agent spent after a customer disconnected before submitting call disposition.
  • Login Time: Total agent login time.
  • Voice Working Time %: The percentage of the agent’s working time with voice interactions.
  • Voice Agent Login Utilization %: The percentage of an agent’s login time spent handling voice customer interactions.
  • Voice Agent Occupancy %: The percentage of the time that an agent is available to do productive work relating to voice interactions.
  • Digital Working Time %: The percentage of the agent’s working time with digital interactions.
  • Digital Agent Login Utilization %: The percentage of an agent’s login time spent handling digital customer interactions.
  • Digital Agent Occupancy %: The percentage of the time that an agent is available to do productive work relating to digital interactions.

Agent Disposition

The Agent Dispositions dashboard provides statistics of agent dispositions sliced by Product Group, Product, and Agent. 
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Agent Disposition dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Channel Type: Narrows the report down to a certain channel type or a subset of channel types.
  • Agent Group: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent groups.
  • Agent Team: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent teams.
  • Agent Location: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent locations.
  • Agent Full Name: Narrows the report down to a subset of agents.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Agent Disposition dashboard, you can find two reports: Agent Disposition Chart and Agent Disposition Report.

Agent Disposition Chart

This bar chart shows the percentage of dispositions by product type, stacked to 100%. This means every product will show the percentage (x axis) of dispositions of the product (y axis).

Agent Disposition Report

This table shows the details of all agent dispositions.
  • Product group: Shows inbound queue groups and dial groups.
  • Product: Shows the product name (voice queue or campaign) within their product group. 
  • Agent Full Name: Full name of agent associated with the disposition.
  • Agent Disposition: Shows the type of disposition the agent made, as determined by the admin at the product level. Rollup is the total number of Calls and % associated with the agent.
  • Calls: Number of calls associated with the disposition.
  • %: Percentage of calls associated with the disposition, in relation to the Rollup.

Agent State

The Agent State dashboard provides an overview of agent occupancy, and login utilization, as well as more detailed agent state statistics.
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Agent State dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Agent Group: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent groups.
  • Agent Team: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent teams.
  • Agent Location: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent locations.
  • Agent Full Name: Narrows the report down to a subset of agents.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Agent State dashboard, you will find the Agent State KPIs section and the Voice and Digital Agent State section.

Agent State KPIs section

  • Voice Login Time Utilization: Percentage of the agent login time spent on calls.
  • Voice Agent Occupancy: Ratio or percentage of time an agent is engaged in calls to the time they are available.
  • Total Agent Login Time: Total time an agent is logged in.
  • Digital Login Time Utilization: Percentage of the agent login time spent on digital interactions. 
  • Agent Digital Occupancy: Ratio or percentage of time an agent is engaged in digital interactions to the time they are available.

Voice and Digital Agent State section

  • Voice Agent State Report: Pie chart that shows the voice agent’s state time broken up by base state.
  • Agent Digital State Chart: Pie chart that shows the digital agent’s state time broken up by digital state.

Billing Period Account Usage

The Billing Period Account Usage dashboard provides an overview of actual usage for selected account(s), and billing period(s). 
This dashboard has two sections: Usage Summary and Usage Details. These two sections are also used in the Billing Period Overview dashboard. The main difference between Billing Period Account Usage and Billing Period Overview is you can filter per account in Billing Period Account Usage.
To learn more about the Usage Summary section, read Usage Summary. To learn more about the Usage Details section, read Usage Details

Billing Period Overview

The Billing Period Overview dashboard provides an overview of used licenses, as well as actual usage and how it affects counted licenses for selected billing period(s). To see full details of your account, you need to have the appropriate level of access. Otherwise, the displayed data will be limited to the rights docs assigned to you. 
Learn more about Roles and docs in Roles overview
Under the Billing Period Overview Dashboard, you can find several sections, namely Billing Period Summary, Usage Summary, and Usage Details

Billing Period Summary section

This section provides the billing period summary for the selected billing period(s) on the main account level. The number of used licenses is provided for closed billing periods only.
For open billing periods, only a number of recurring prepaid licenses will be shown. The list of licenses for the currently open billing period is based on the previous billing period.
The number of used licenses — which is displayed once the billing period is closed — is based on the certain usage of services or resources named Category. Further sections of the dashboard give more details on each category usage.
The Billing Period Summary section consists of three reports, namely Billing Interval Package, Prepaid Summary, and Postpaid summary. Billing Interval Package lists the billing interval or the two dates selected that are associated with a product package. The Prepaid Summary report includes all recurring licenses tagged as Prepaid under Category. The Postpaid Summary report includes all licenses except those tagged as Prepaid.

Billing Interval Package

This section provides information about the package used in a particular billing period.
  • Billing Interval: Billing interval selected by the user. For example, selecting an interval of ‘2020-01-01’ to ‘2020-01-31’ will display data related to a closed billing interval that started on the 1st of January 2020 and ended on the 31st of January 2020. If there’s no second date in an interval value, that means that this interval is still incomplete and therefore the data for that billing interval is not yet full.
  • Package: Product package associated with your account. Each package represents one service you are subscribed to, while all licences in said package or service are listed under License.

Prepaid Summary and Postpaid Summary

Note: The Prepaid Summary and Postpaid Summary, while separate sections, have the same attributes but different data. If the billing period is closed, it will be posted in Postpaid Summary. 
  • Billing Interval: Billing interval selected by the user. For example, selecting an interval of ‘2020-01-01’ to ‘2020-01-31’ will display data related to a closed billing interval that started on the 1st of January 2020 and ended on the 31st of January 2020. If there’s no second date in an interval value, that means that this interval is still incomplete and therefore the data for that billing interval is not yet full.
  • License: Licences associated with your account. 
  • Category: How services or resource consumption is classified. Read Category types to learn more. Category types will not be listed in Prepaid Summary, but will be identified as just ‘Prepaid’ instead. 
  • License ID: Identification code associated with a particular license. 
  • Licence Quantity: Count of service resource usage.

Usage Summary

This section provides the usage summary for the selected billing interval(s) aggregated on the main account level, or sliced by account, where applicable. Categories are measured in various units, and this is displayed in the Units column, which should be applied to the count value in the Count column.
If you click on a value on the table, it will show the usage for that given category by day. 
Listed below are the attributes in this section: 
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Billing Interval: Billing interval selected by the user. For example, selecting an interval of ‘2020-01-01’ to ‘2020-01-31’ will display data related to a closed billing interval that started on the 1st of January 2020 and ended on the 31st of January 2020. If there’s no second date in an interval value, that means that this interval is still incomplete and therefore the data for that billing interval is not yet full.
  • Category: How services or resource consumption is classified. Read Category types to learn more.
  • Units: Type of value to be counted.
  • Count: Count of units.
  • Duration (Mins): The total amount of time (in minutes) of a particular value.

Usage Details

This section provides the detailed usage by sub-account breakdown. It includes usage units, counts, and duration for each DNIS. A DNIS listed is one agent. Clicking on a value in the table will show the usage of a given DNIS for the given category by day.
Listed below are the attributes in this section:
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Billing Interval: Billing interval selected by the user. For example, selecting an interval of ‘2020-01-01’ to ‘2020-01-31’ will display data related to a closed billing interval that started on the 1st of January 2020 and ended on the 31st of January 2020. If there’s no second date in an interval value, that means that this interval is still incomplete and therefore the data for that billing interval is not yet full.
  • Category: How services or resource consumption is classified. Read Category types to learn more.
  • DNIS: Phone number(s) associated with your account.
  • Units: Type of value to be counted.
  • Count: Count of units.
  • Duration (Mins): The total amount of time (in minutes) of a particular value.

Category types

In each section for the Billing Period Overview report, categories are defined as usage of services or resources that are listed and categorized accordingly under the Category column. Below are the different types of categories you might encounter.
  • BYOT Transport: Transport category that includes inbound calls via a dedicated SIP trunk. Indicates the duration of BYOT leg measured in minutes.
  • Inbound Local Transport: Inbound calls category. Includes all inbound calls arriving to domestic North America phone numbers (NADP) registered as an Engage Voice contact center routing number in RingEX. Does not include toll free numbers or international numbers. For example calls received at +16503328094 are considered domestic inbound. The duration is measured in minutes.
  • Outbound Conversational Local Transport: Outbound calls category. Includes all manual outbound calls made from Engage Voice to North America phone numbers. Does not include outbound calls to international numbers. For example calls made to +16503328094 are considered domestic outbound. Manual outbound call means that a call dialed by an agent either by manually punching in numbers or via click-to-dial, and does not include calls dialed by Engage automated dialer system. Measured in minutes.
  • Outbound On-Net Transport: This category is used to aggregate the durations of transfers and agent legs within the Engage Voice and RingEX networks. Measured in minutes.
  • Outbound Dialer Local Transport: Outbound calls category. Includes all auto dialer outbound calls made from Engage Voice to North America phone numbers. Does not include outbound calls to international numbers. For example calls made to +16503328094 are considered domestic outbound calls. Auto dialer outbound call means that a call was made by the Engage automated dialer and not manually by an agent. Measured in minutes.
  • Inbound Toll Free Transport: Inbound calls category. Includes all inbound calls arriving to Toll Free North America phone numbers registered as an Engage Voice contact center routing number in RingEX. Does not include domestic numbers or international numbers. For example calls received at +18001122333 are considered Toll Free NA calls. Measured in minutes.
  • Inbound International Transport: Inbound calls category. Includes all inbound calls arriving to international numbers registered as an Engage Voice contact center routing number in RingEX. Also known as IVN (International Virtual Numbers). Given the multiple rates by destinations, this category represents a generic roll-up of charges for all inbound international calls to the account. Indicates the amount of cents spent on Inbound calls to international numbers.
  • IVR Processing: The duration of calls in an IVR, metered additionally to the transport rate. Duration is measured in minutes.
  • Outbound Toll Free Transport: Indicates aggregated outbound call duration made to North America toll free numbers. For example to +18001122333. The customer is not charged for this usage category. This category is not mapped to any license.
  • Outbound International Transport: Outbound calls category. Includes all outbound calls made from Engage Voice account to an international number. Given multiple rates by destinations the category represents a generic roll-up of charges for all outbound international calls to the account. The category indicates the amount of cents spent on Outbound calls to international numbers.
  • Named Core Seats: Number of unique agents logged in during the billing interval (by main account). This category is used for customers that have SSO enabled. To aggregate the named users count, we use the RingEX agent extension. If the agent was registered in more than one Engage Voice sub-account with the same RingCentral agent extension, we will count these agent accounts as one agent seat.
  • Named Legacy Core Seats: Number of the unique agents logged in during the billing interval (by subaccount). Named Legacy Users Count indicates the aggregated number of Engage Voice agent IDs. It differs from Named Users Count since one agent may have several accounts. One agent account per sub-account. This usage category is applied for legacy customers that do not have SSO.
  • Concurrent Legacy Core Seats: Max number of concurrently logged in agents during the billing interval (max per subaccount, and then summed up).
  • Concurrent Core Seats: Max number of concurrently logged in agents during billing interval calculated over the entire account.
  • Login Minutes: Indicates the aggregated time users were logged into Engage Voice. If agent 1 was logged in for five minutes and agent 2 was logged in for 10 minutes, this category will indicate 15 minutes. The time is allocated to the day that the session ended to ensure that we don’t lose data for very long login sessions.
  • In-Platform DID Number: Domestic DID registered in the legacy Engage Voice system. Usually applies to existing customer base. In most cases, customers will have phone numbers registered in RingEX and not in Engage Voice. Special cases only. Aggregates the customer's phone numbers owned by the bandwidth carrier.
  • In-Platform Toll Free Number: Toll Free number in legacy Engage Voice system. Usually applies to existing customer base. In most cases customers will have phone numbers registered in RCO and not in EV. Special cases only. Aggregates customer's TF phone numbers owned by the bandwidth carrier.
  • Disconnect Scrub: Used during outbound dialing. Disconnect Scrubbing refers to a third-party integration that looks up system dispositions of ‘no-answer’ and determines whether they’re actually no-answers or if they’re simply ‘disconnects.’ Note that disconnect scrubbing is only performed if the first pass results in a no-answer. Number of scrubs used is the number of scrub invocations.
  • IVR T2S Invocations Count: Number of ‘text to speech’ invocations. This means that if you use text to speech 10 times in one IVR call, we count it as 10 invocations. Engage Voice uses 3rd party integration for text to speech service. The number of invocations is the number of API calls made to a 3rd party service to convert text to speech.
  • IVR Speech Invocations Count: Number of ‘speech recognition’ invocations means if you use ‘speech recognition’ 10 times in one IVR call, we count it as 10 invocations. The number of invocations is the number of API calls made to a 3rd party service to convert speech to text.
  • IVR Speech Recognition Duration: This usage category is used for new customers. The customer is charged for ‘Speech Recognition’ based on the speech duration. Duration is measured in minutes.
  • IVR T2S Calls Count: Number of calls where ‘text to speech’ was used in an IVR. Text to speech per call means if you use text to speech 10 times in one IVR call, we count it as one call.
  • IVR Speech Recognition Call Count: Number of calls where ‘speech recognition’ was used in an IVR. Speech recognition per call means if you use speech recognition 10 times in one IVR call, we count it as a single call.
  • Local Connect Bucket: Indicates the total number of local Caller ID buckets at any time during the billing interval. A Caller ID bucket represents a selection of phone numbers with different area codes.
  • In-Platform SMS: If in-platform SMS is used, then this usage metric counts the messages. Counts SMS for an agent chat session is sent or received.
  • In-Platform MMS: If in-platform MMS is used, then this usage metric counts the messages. Counts MMS for an agent chat session is sent or received.
  • Call Recording: Indicates the number of call recordings that were stored within the requested time interval.

Dialer Performance and Penetration

The Dialer Performance and Penetration dashboard provides an overview of outbound dialing metrics, as well as dispositions of dialed calls.
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Dialer Performance and Penetration dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Product Group Type: Filters to a specific subset of product group types.
  • Product Group: Filters to a specific subset of product groups.
  • Product Type: Filters to a specific subset of product types.
  • Product: Filters to a specific subset of products.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Dialer Performance and Penetration dashboard, you will find the following sections:
  • Dialer KPIs
  • Dialer Penetration
  • Hourly Disposition
  • Download Dialer Statistics

Dialer KPIs section

  • Dialed: Count of outbound call attempts.
  • Hit Rate: Percentage of live answered calls to the total call attempts.
  • Abandon Rate: Percentage of outbound abandoned calls to the total number of answered calls.
  • Success Rate: Percentage of successful outbound calls out of all outbound call attempts.

Dialer Penetration section

This section contains one KPI and one report.
  • Leads Complete: Number of completed leads.
  • Dialer Penetration Chart: Bar chart that shows the percentage of completed calls (% Outbound Leads Complete Count, y axis) to the number of times a call was attempted (Pass #, x axis).

Hourly Disposition section

This section contains one report. A stacked area chart that shows the disposition trend every quarter of an hour. These dispositions are the following:
  • Answer: Number of outbound call attempts answered by a live person.
  • No Answer: Number of outbound call attempts that were not answered.
  • Busy: Number of calls tagged as busy.
  • Machine: Number of outbound calls answered by answering machines.
  • Intercept: Number of outbound call attempts with Intercept call results.
  • Abandon: Number of outbound abandoned calls or answered calls that were not connected to an agent.
  • Other: Number of outbound calls with call results other than what is specified in the system.

Download Dialer Statistics section

This section contains two reports.
  • Dialer Penetration Report: Table that shows a summary of a percentage of completed leads by product and product group. 
  • Hourly Dialer Disposition Report: Table that shows details on dispositions made by the hour. Read more about the metrics seen in this report in Measures and attributes.

Hourly Inbound Statistics

The Hourly Inbound Statistics dashboard provides hourly trends of inbound traffic, allowing you to identify repeating patterns.
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Hourly Inbound Statistics dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Product Group: Filters to a specific subset of product groups.
  • Product: Filters to a specific subset of products.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Hourly Inbound Statistics dashboard, you will find the Hourly Trends and the Download Hourly Inbound Statistics sections.

Hourly Trends

This section contains two reports.
  • Hourly Inbound Call Trends: Stacked area chart that shows call trends by the hour.
    • Deflected: Number of calls sent to another destination.
    • Accepted: Number of inbound calls distributed to agents.
    • Abandoned: Number of inbound calls in which callers hung up while waiting in a queue.
    • Manual Dials: Number of manual calls placed by agents.
  • Hourly Inbound Time Trends: Stacked area chart that shows inbound time trends by the hour.
    • Avg Queue Time: Average queue time of calls.
    • Avg Talk Time: Average time customers spent on the phone connected to an agent or IVR.
    • Avg Wrap Time: Average time per call taken by agents to submit a call disposition after a call is disconnected.

Download Hourly Inbound Statistics

This section contains one report. The Hourly Inbound Statistics Report is a table that shows details of inbound calls made by the hour. Read more about the metrics seen in this report in Measures and attributes

Inbound IVR Overview Dashboard

The Inbound IVR Overview dashboard provides major KPIs, and more detailed statistics on how inbound calls are handled by IVRs. 
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Inbound Overview dashboard:
  • Date Range: Range (in days) that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to last 30 days. 
  • Account ID: ID of the account to report on.
  • Account: Account to report on. Account ID serves as a parent filter to the Account filter.
  • Product Group Type: Preset to narrow down the report to product groups of an ‘IVR Group’ type, or no grouping ('N/A').
    Note: Do not change this filter.
  • Product Group: Narrows the report down to a certain product or subset of product groups. 
  • Product Type: Preset to narrow the report down to IVRs only.
  • Product: Narrows the report down to a certain product (IVR) or subset of products (IVRs). 
  • Abandon Type: Allows exclusion of short-abandoned calls from the dashboard and metrics, and is preset to exclude such calls.
Note: Activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account ID is a parent filter to all other filters (except for the Date Range). For example, if you select a certain account ID, the Product Group filter will be showing only the Product Groups of that account. The Account filter is a parent filter to all filters except for the Account ID, and the Date Range.

Inbound IVR Overview sections

Under the Inbound IVR Overview dashboard, you’ll find the IVR KPIs, IVR Activity, and IVR Detail sections. 


This section contains KPIs related to IVR.
  • IVR Interactions: Number of inbound interactions that were handled by an IVR. Shows how the metric changed compared with the previous time interval of the same length. A growing number is marked in green.
  • Active IVRs: Number of IVRs serving inbound calls. Shows how the metric changed compared with the previous time interval of the same length. A growing number is marked in green.
  • Unique Callers: Number of unique ANI in inbound IVR interactions. Shows how the metric changed compared with the previous time interval of the same length. A growing number is marked in green.
  • IVR Abandon Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions that were abandoned in IVRs out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs. Shows how the metric changed compared with the previous time interval of the same length. A growing number is marked in red.
  • IVR Passed Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions that went through an IVR out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs. Shows how the metric changed compared with the previous time interval of the same length. A growing number is marked in green.

IVR Activity

This section shows a bar chart detailing the distribution of interactions by custom fields and the values of those custom fields, when attached to IVR scripts.
Filters found in this section:
  • Started: Days range that the report will be covering. Activity is attributed to a time period by the started timestamp. 
  • Account ID: ID of the account to report on.
  • Account: account to report on. Account ID serves as a parent filter to the Account filter.
  • Product Group Type: Preset to narrow down the report to product groups of an "IVR Group" type, or no grouping ("N/A"). Do not change!
  • Product Group: Narrows the report down to a certain product / subset of product groups. 
  • Product Type: Preset to narrow the report down to IVRs only.
  • Product: Narrows the report down to a certain product (IVR) / subset of products (IVRs). 
  • Custom Field Name: Allows you to select only certain IVR custom fields. It makes sense to use this filter to select only fields containing low-cardinality values, otherwise the chart may be not able to display, and will be hardly readable.
  • Custom Field Value (String): Allows you to select only certain values of IVR custom fields. 

IVR Detail

This section shows a detailed IVR report where every IVR interactions are presented. Shows custom fields collected by IVR.
Filters found in this section:
  • Started: Days range that the report will be covering. Activity is attributed to a time period by the start timestamp. Do not select large time intervals, as the report may not be able to display, if it contains too much data.
  • UII: Allows selecting a UII(s) of an interaction of interest.
  • Account ID: ID of the account to report on.
  • Account: Account to report on. Account ID serves as a parent filter to the Account filter.
  • Product Group Type: Preset to narrow down the report to product groups of an "IVR Group" type, or no grouping ("N/A"). Do not change!
  • Product Group: Narrows the report down to a certain product / subset of product groups. 
  • Product Type: Preset to narrow the report down to IVRs only
  • Product: Narrows the report down to a certain product (IVR) / subset of products (IVRs). 
  • Custom Field Name: Allows you to select only (deselect) certain IVR custom fields.
  • Custom Field Value (String): Allows you to select only (deselect) certain values of the IVR custom fields. 

Inbound Overview Dashboard

The Inbound Overview dashboard provides an overview of major inbound metrics and trends. Inbound segments are those that are passing through queues from both voice and digital interactions. For voice interactions, product type is recorded in Voice Queue, while in digital interactions, product type is recorded in Digital Queue.

Here are the following filters you can use to sort out data in Inbound Overview dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Channel Type: Narrows the report down to a certain channel type or a subset of channel types.
  • Product Group: Narrowing the report down to a specific product/subset of product groups.
  • Product: Narrowing the report down to a specific product/subset of products.
Please note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Inbound Overview Dashboard sections

Under the Inbound Overview Dashboard, you can find several sections, namely Inbound KPIs, Inbound Queues, Inbound Interactions Trends, and Inbound Queue Details.

Inbound KPIs section

This section shows the KPIs for the Inbound Overview dashboard. You will find the following metrics under this section:
  • Interactions: This KPI shows the Queue Segment Count metric, which is how many times interactions were queued during the selected date interval.
  • Avg Queue Time: Shows the average queue time of segments that went through queues during the selected date interval, as filtered by product type values). The change (shown in %) is displayed in red for an increased value and in green for a decreased value.
  • Avg Handle Time: Shows the average handle time over the queued segments that agents handled, with a condition that 'Agent Connected' = Yes. The change (shown in %) is displayed in red for an increased value and green for a decreased value. Note that Handle Time is calculated as the sum of Talk Time (which includes Hold Time), and Wrap Time.
  • Service Level %: Percentage of calls that passed SLA out of total calls queued.
  • Abandon Rate %: Percentage of calls abandoned.
  • RNA Rate %: Number of interactions that ring at an agent’s phone, but are not answered by the agent (Ring No Answer), as a percentage of all interactions assigned to that agent.

Inbound Queues section

This section drills into charts to see inbound queues distribution by Channel Type. Below are the metrics in this section:
  • Inbound Queue Interactions: A chart showing the number of calls Accepted, RNA, Abandoned Deflected, and Agent Rejected.
  • Inbound Interactions Time: A bar chart showing how much time an inbound segment spends in different states during its lifetime: queue time, ring time, talk time, and wrap time. Clicking on a bar will show a pie chart, showing how the total time of a given segment state is distributed between channel types. For example, how total talk time is split between channel types.
  • Avg Queue Time by Channel Type: A bar chart showing how average queue time differs between channel types. Remember that value is averaged and not a summation. The Avg Queue Time KPI on the top is calculated from all inbound interactions; thus the average queue time for the channel types having more interactions will have more impact on the overall average handle time.

Inbound Interactions Trends section

This section drills into charts to see Interactions distribution by Channel Type. 
  • Inbound Interactions: A stacked bar chart showing the number of times a call was queued.

Inbound Queue Details section

This section allows you to export the report. Hover on the table and click on the More icon on its upper right. You can export the report into downloadable XLVL or CSV files. You can also click on Explore from here to download agent activity details with different metrics. 
Below are the metrics covered in the entire Inbound Overview dashboard:
  • Interactions: a Queue Segment Count metric, which is how many times interactions were queued during the selected date range.
  • Deflected: The number of calls sent to another destination.
  • Accepted: The number of calls distributed to an agent.
  • Agent Rejected: Inbound queue rejected by an agent.
  • RNA: Number of interactions that ring at an agent’s phone, but are not answered by the agent (Ring No Answer), as a percentage of all interactions assigned to that agent.
  • Abandoned: Percentage calls abandoned.
  • Short Abandoned: Calls abandoned after a short time of waiting.
  • Manual Dials: The number of manually placed calls.
  • Manual Dials No Connect: The number of manually placed calls by an agent, but not connected.
  • Avg Queue Time: The total time spent waiting in queue.
  • Avg Time to Abandon: The average time a caller waited in queue before hanging up.
  • Avg Speed of Answer: The average time how fast a queue is answered.
  • Avg Talk Time: The average time a customer spent on the phone connected to an agent or IVR (including time on hold).
  • Avg Wrap Time: The average time an agent spent after a customer disconnected before submitting call disposition.
  • Avg Handle Time: The Average Handle Time over the interactions that were handled.
  • SLA Passed: The number of calls answered within configured service level threshold.
  • Service Level: The percentage of calls that passed SLA out of total calls queued.

Inbound Voice Service Level Summary

The Inbound Voice Service Level Summary KPI Dashboard allows you to evaluate queue SLAs, and — taking into account abandon delays — to see if the corrective measures should be performed so that SLAs can be adjusted.
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Inbound Voice Service Level Summary dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Product Group Type: Filters to a specific subset of product group types.
  • Product Group: Filters to a specific subset of product group.
  • Product Type: Filters to a specific subset of product types.
  • Product: Filters to a specific subset of products.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Inbound Voice Service Level Summary dashboard, you will find the following sections:
  • Service Level KPIs
  • Service Level KPIs by Queue
  • Answered Wait Time and Delay to Abandon

Service Level KPIs

This section contains three KPI widgets, related to queue SLA assessment.
  • Service Level %: Percentage of calls that passed SLA out of total calls queued. Shows comparison with the same KPI of the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) should be displayed in green for increased value, and in red for decreased value.. 
  • Avg Speed of Answer: Average time caller waited in a single queue for the call to be answered. Shows comparison with the same count of the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) should be displayed in red for increased value, and in green for decreased value.
  • Queue Abandon Rate %: Percentage of calls that were abandoned while queued out of total calls queued. Includes short abandons. Shows comparison with the same KPI of the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) should be displayed in red for increased value, and in green for decreased value.

Service Level KPIs by Queue

This section contains three charts, representing same three KPIs by an individual queue. Each chart supports drilling down to see daily trend of the particular metric for a given queue.
  • Service Level % by Queue: Ratio of calls that passed the SLA out of total calls queued, arranged by product.
  • Avg Speed of Answer by Queue: Average time callers waited in a single queue, arranged by product.
  • Abandon Rate % by Queue: Percentage of calls abandoned in a queue, arranged by product.

Answered Wait Time and Delay to Abandon

This section contains two reports in the table format: Answered Wait Time Report, and Abandon Delay Report. Statistics in reports is broken down by Queue Group, and Queue. Each report can be downloaded using the Export (XLSX or CSV) button, located on the right upper corner of that section.
  • Answered Wait Time: Shows how answered calls are distributed by service level intervals. It also provides the following metrics (names of metrics used are in parenthesis):
    • Accepted # (Inbound Accepted Count): Number of inbound interactions distributed to agent
    • < 20s (Queue Answered in 0 - 20 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 20 seconds.
    • < 40s (Queue Answered in 0 - 40 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 40 seconds.
    • < 60s (Queue Answered in 0 - 60 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 60 seconds.
    • < 120s (Queue Answered in 0 - 120 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 120 seconds.
    • < 180s (Queue Answered in 0 - 180 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 180 seconds.
    • < 240s (Queue Answered in 0 - 240 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 240 seconds.
    • < 300s (Queue Answered in 0 - 300 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 300 seconds.
    • < 600s (Queue Answered in 0 - 600 seconds %):  Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 600 seconds.
    • < 900s (Queue Answered in 0 - 900 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 900 seconds.
    • < 1200s (Queue Answered in 0 - 1200 seconds %): Percentage of handled queueing attempts that were connected to agents in 0 to 1200 seconds.
    • > 4 min # (Queue Answered after 240 seconds): Number of queueing attempts that were answered after waiting in queue for more than 240 seconds.
    • > 10 min # (Queue Answered after 600 seconds): Number of queueing attempts that were answered after waiting in queue for more than 600 seconds.
    • > 20 min # (Queue Answered after 1200 seconds): Number of queueing attempts that were answered after waiting in queue for more than 1200 seconds.
  • Delay to Abandon: Allows you to see how abandoned calls are distributed by service level intervals, and to find an optimal target Service Level for a queue.
    • Abandoned # (Queue Abandoned Count): Number of inbound calls where caller hang up while waiting in queue
    • < 20s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 20 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 20 seconds.
    • < 40s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 40 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 40 seconds.
    • < 60s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 60 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 60 seconds.
    • < 120s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 120 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 120 seconds.
    • < 180s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 180 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 180 seconds.
    • < 240s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 240 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 240 seconds.
    • < 300s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 300 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 300 seconds.
    • < 600s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 600 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 600 seconds.
    • < 900s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 900 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 900 seconds.
    • < 1200s (Queue Abandoned in 0 - 1200 seconds %): Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned in 0 to 1200 seconds.
    • > 4 min # (Queue Abandoned after 240 seconds): Number of queueing attempts that were abandoned after waiting in queue for more than 240 seconds.
    • > 10 min # (Queue Abandoned after 600 seconds): Number of queueing attempts that were abandoned after waiting in queue for more than 600 seconds.
    • > 20 min # (Queue Abandoned after 1200 seconds): Number of queueing attempts that were abandoned after waiting in queue for more than 1200 seconds.

Omnichannel Overview dashboard

The Omnichannel Overview dashboard provides you with the metrics you have for your Engage Voice and Engage Digital data. In this dashboard, you can sort out the data using the following filters:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Channel Type: Narrows the report down to a certain channel type or a subset of channel types.
  • Agent Group: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent groups.
  • Agent Team: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent teams. 
  • Agent Location: Narrows the report down to a subset of agent locations.
  • Agent Full Name: Narrows the report down to a subset of agents.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Omnichannel Overview dashboard, you can find several sections, namely KPIs, Distributions by Channel Type, Trends by Channel Type, and Capacity Trends.

KPIs section

This section shows the KPIs for the Omnichannel Overview. You will find the following metrics under this section:
  • Interactions: Total number of interactions incoming to a contact center for the selected period of time. Shows a comparison with the same count of interactions for the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) is displayed in green for an increased value and in red for a decreased value.
  • Interactions Handled: Total number of interactions connected to agents during the selected period of time. Shows a comparison with the same count of interactions for the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) is displayed in green for an increased value and in red for a decreased value.
  • Agents Handling Interactions: Total number of agents that were working with interactions during the selected period of time. Shows a comparison with the same count of interactions for the previous time interval of the same length. The change (shown in %) is displayed in green for an increased value and in red for a decreased value.
  • Avg Handle Time: Average Handle Time over the interactions that were handled by Agents, with the condition that 'Agent Connected' = Yes. The change (shown in %) is displayed in red for an increased value, and in green for a decreased value. Note that Handle Time is calculated as a sum of Talk Time (which includes Hold Time) and Wrap Time.
  • Avg Queue Time: Average Queue Time over the segments that went through queues (filtered by Product Type values). The change (shown in %) is displayed in red for an increased value and in green for a decreased value.
  • Agent Voice Occupancy: Percentage of time that agents (shown on the KPI) spent engaged with voice interactions divided by the sum of time that agents were engaged with voice interactions with the time that agents were available to handle voice interactions. The change (shown in %) is displayed in green for an increased value, and in red for a decreased value. This metric is based on the Agent State dataset, where voice and digital states are reported separately, resulting in two separate metrics.
  • Agent Digital Occupancy: Percentage of time that agents (shown on the KPI) spent engaged with digital interactions divided by the sum of time that agents were engaged with digital interactions with the time that agents were available to handle digital interactions. The change (shown in %) is displayed in green for an increased value, and in red for a decreased value. This metric is based on the Agent State dataset, where voice and digital states are reported separately, resulting in two separate metrics.

Distributions by Channel Type section

This section shows how the main KPIs above are distributed by channel type. Take note that not all metrics are additive. For example, there may be agents handling interactions of multiple channel types.
You will find the following metrics under this section:
  • Interactions: A bar chart showing interactions distributed by channel type.
  • Avg Handle Time: A bar chart showing how the average handle time differs between channel types. The difference between the Avg Handle Time in channel types and in KPI is that KPI averages all channel types. Having more than one channel type will impact the Avg Handle Time KPI.
  • Agents Handling Interactions: A bar chart that shows the number of agents handling interactions of a certain channel type within the selected period of time. Note that the values for this bar chart are not summed up in the Agents Handling Interactions KPI. Individual agents may handle multiple channel types.

Trends by Channel Type section

This section shows bar charts that let you see data down to the hour. You will find the following metrics under this section:
  • Interactions: Shows a bar graph of the daily trend of the Interactions KPI by channel types. Clicking on a bar will show data down to the hour trend, showing how the handled interactions metric for a given channel type is distributed by the hour for that day.
  • Agents Handling Interactions: Shows a line graph of the daily trend of the Agents Handling Interactions KPI for each channel type separately. Clicking on the graph will display data down to the hour trend, showing how the same metric is distributed by the hour for that day.
  • Avg Handle Time (sec): A line chart showing a daily trend of the Avg Handle Time KPI for each channel type. Clicking on the chart will display data down to the hour trend, showing how the same metric is distributed by the hour for that day.

Capacity Trends section

This section contains trends that might demonstrate a possible correlation between Avg Queue Time and Agent Occupancy. For example, if Avg Queue Time increases while Agent Occupancy also increases or remains at an already high value, it might indicate high understaffing.

Under the Distributions by Channel Type section, you will find the following metrics:
  • Avg Queue Time (sec) by Channel Type: Shows a line chart of the Avg Queue Time Handling Interactions KPI’s daily trend for each channel type. Clicking on the chart will display data down to the hour trend, showing how the same metric is distributed by the hour for that day.
  • Agent Occupancy Trend by Channel Type: Shows a line chart of Agent Voice Occupancy KPI and the Agent Digital Occupancy KPI’s daily trend. Clicking on the chart will display data down to the hour trend, showing how the same metric is distributed by the hour for that day. This metric is based on the Agent State dataset, where voice and digital states are reported separately, resulting in two separate metrics.

Outbound FTC Compliance

The Outbound FTC Compliance dashboard provides FTC compliance KPIs and detailed statistics sliced by Campaign.
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Outbound FTC Compliance dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Product Group Type: Filters to a specific subset of product group types.
  • Product Group: Filters to a specific subset of product groups.
  • Product Type: Filters to a specific subset of product types.
  • Product: Filters to a specific subset of products.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Outbound FTC Compliance dashboard, you will find the Compliance KPIs and the Download FTC Compliance Statistics sections.

Compliance KPIs

This section has four KPI widgets.
  • Call Attempts: Count of outbound call attempts.
  • Hit Rate: Percentage of live answered calls to the total call attempts
  • Abandon Rate: Percentage of outbound abandoned calls to the total number of answered calls.
  • Min No Answer Ringing: Minimum outbound ring duration with Outbound No Answer call result.

Download FTC Compliance Statistics

This section allows you to download the FTC Compliance Report. Here, you’ll see the following metrics:
  • Campaign: Product name.
  • Dialed: Count of outbound call attempts.
  • Answered: Number of outbound calls answered by the party called.
  • Abandoned: Number of outbound abandoned calls or answered calls that were not connected to an agent.
  • Abandon Rate: Percentage of outbound abandoned calls to the total number of answered calls.
  • Outbound No Answer Min Ring Time: Minimum outbound ring duration with Outbound No Answer call result.

Outbound Performance

The Outbound Performance dashboard provides detailed statistics of outbound dialing activity performance.
Here are the following filters you can use to sort data in the Outbound Performance dashboard:
  • Date Range: A range of days that the dashboard will be covering. Preset to the last 30 days.
  • Account: The sub-account to be reported on.
  • Account ID: The ID of the account that needs to be viewed.
  • Product Group Type: Filters to a specific subset of product group types.
  • Product Group: Filters to a specific subset of product groups.
  • Product Type: Filters to a specific subset of product types.
  • Product: Filters to a specific subset of products.
Note that an activity is attributed to a time interval by its start timestamp. Account filter is a parent filter to the other filters (except for the Date). For example, if you select a particular account, the Agent Group filter will be showing only agent groups of that account.

Under the Outbound Performance dashboard, you will find the following sections:
  • Performance KPIs
  • Outbound Completes and Successes
  • Download Outbound Statistics

Performance KPIs

This section contains four KPI widgets.
  • Work Time: Percentage of working time for voice.
  • Dialed: Count of outbound call attempts.
  • Completed: Number of outbound calls marked as complete in the disposition.
  • Hit Rate: Percentage of live answered calls to the total call attempts.

Outbound Completes and Successes

This section has one KPI widget and three reports that give you insights into your contact center’s outbound performance.
  • Outbound Success Rate: Percentage of outbound calls out of all outbound call attempts.
  • Outbound Completes and Successes by Day: Tracks the number of completed outbound calls and successful outbound calls day.
  • Outbound Completed and Success Rate by Dial Group: Analyzes the trend between Outbound Complete Rate and Outbound Success Rate to track the magnitude of both.
  • Outbound Success Rate by Campaign: Bar chart that tracks the success rate of outbound calls for campaigns.

Download Outbound Statistics

This section has two reports you can download.
  • Outbound Performance Report: This chart details the performance of the following metrics:
    • Voice Working Time %: Percentage of working time for voice.
    • Dialed: Count of outbound call attempts.
    • Answered: Number of outbound calls answered by the party called.
    • Live Answered: Number of outbound call attempts answered by a live person.
    • Contacts: Outbound calls that resulted in contact.
    • Complete: Number of outbound calls marked as complete in the disposition.
    • Successful: Number of successful interactions.
    • Talk Time: Time customers spent on the phone connected to an agent or IVR (including time on hold).
  • Outbound Overview Report: This chart gives an overview of the performance of dial groups and campaigns.
    • Dial Group: Shows products by group name.
    • Campaign: Shows campaigns by name. 
    • Dialed: Count of outbound call attempts.
    • Contacts: Outbound calls that resulted in contact.
    • Talk Time: Time customers spent on the phone connected to an agent or IVR (including time on hold).
    • Abandon Rate: Ratio of outbound abandoned calls to the total number of answered calls.
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