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Release Notes

RingCentral Mobile App | July 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Mobile App.
version 21.3.10
Release Date: 7/14/2021
What's New
  • Team Huddle (RingCentral Video)
    • Get together for impromptu informal meetings, just hang out as you work together, or run a drop-in help desk.
  • Post forwarding
    • Forward messages and attachments to any conversation of your choice.
  • Small company in-app setup
    • As a small company (less than 100 lines) admin, you can activate your company account directly in the RingCentral app.
  • Support RelayUK calling
    • Customers in the UK can now call numbers with 18002 prefix to connect to RelayUK service.
  • South Africa emergency address support
    • Set your South Africa emergency address in the app.
  • Android 6 support withdrawal
    • RingCentral mobile app will no longer support Android OS 6.
  • Rainbow AU/UK support
    • Rainbow Office will support UK/AU packages in Q2 of 2021.
  • Video Pro/Pro+ international signup
    • You can pick your region/country when signing up for your new account.
version 21.2.35
Release Date: 7/1/2021
What's New
  • Improvements and bug fixes
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