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Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Webinar.
VERSION 22.2.30
Release Date: 6/29/2022
What's New
Debrief Session: Webinar hosts and cohosts can end the webinar for attendees but keep panelists in the session to debrief in private about the webinar. This enables hosts, cohosts, and panelists to discuss next steps from the session securely and confidentially without worrying if attendees can hear them.
Scheduling Improvements: Hosts can now view all invited panelists and cohosts (upto a maximum 99) in a centralized location on the Webinar Dashboard. They can then easily copy the personalized invitations, send invitations, or disinvite cohosts and panelists with just a few clicks.
Automatic post-webinar Reminder: The system will automatically send an email reminder to the webinar host one hour after the end of the webinar containing a link to the dashboard for that webinar. This makes it easy for the webinar host to view and download webinar insights and data (e.g., list of webinar attendees, Q&A report, webinar recording etc).
Audio-only Recordings: Webinar Hosts can download the webinar recording as an audio-only .M4A file (useful for creating podcasts based on the live-webinar). This new feature augments pre-existing capabilities to download the webinar recording as a Video .MP4 file.
Phone Commands: Webinar Hosts can control the flow of the webinar (e.g., End the webinar for attendees) using DTMF codes on the phone keypad when they join the webinar via phone (instead of using internet audio).