Engage Voice | Measures and attributes

Measures are defined as computational expressions of numerical or quantitative data, while attributes are non-measurable descriptors used to break down metrics and measures. Attributes represent qualitative data. 
This means that measures are data that can be ‘sliced’ by attributes.
For example, Agent Count — the number of agents logged in during a time interval — is a measure. Agent Location is an attribute. If you were to create a report, Agent Count can be ‘sliced’ by Agent Location to display, say, a bar graph of the number of agents per location.
You also need to know where data from the data catalog (left panel in the analytical designer that contains measures and attributes) are being pulled from, and what their relationships are to each other. There’s more to creating reports than just understanding report types. Not all measures can be ‘sliced’ by all attributes. Certain attributes don’t work on certain measures. This is where the concept of logical data models (LDMs) comes in.

Logical data models

The data used in creating measures and attributes pulled from your contact center’s database are organized into datasets. In Historical reports, a dataset is a basic organizational unit for these data. It is a set of related measures, a set of attributes, or a set of both.
Datasets are connected to one another to create exclusive relationships. For example, Dataset A is connected to Dataset B, but is not connected to Dataset C. Dataset B, on the other hand, is connected to Dataset C. This means that A can interact with B but not with C and vice versa. However, B can interact with both A and C. 
Try to imagine each dataset as boxes with data in them. Datasets connected to one another constitute a logical data model (LDM). The LDM in Historical reports is used to determine which data can interact with another data. 
In Historical reports, there are two important datasets for data: segment and agent state. Some data are tagged and can be found under those categories, while some are not. When you drag a measure or an attribute to a section on the canvas, the data catalog will repopulate and only data compatible with the one on the canvas will appear in the catalog. 
It is also important to understand the concept of the segment and agent state datasets, so you don’t confuse compatible data with incompatible data when conceptualizing reports you want to create.


Segments or call segments are the smaller portions of an interaction between a call’s consecutive states. These consecutive states are parts of a call associated with a specific ‘product’ like an IVR or a queue. Each portion or segment is independent of another segment of that call. To better understand this, read the example below.
Let's look at calls from the perspective of the caller. Let’s say you call a contact center. You get an IVR (Segment 1) which then transfers you to a queue for an agent (Segment 2). After talking to that agent, it turns out you chose the wrong queue so the agent transfers you to the right queue. After waiting for a long time in that queue, you hang up (Segment 3). From your perspective as a caller, you consider all those transfers and queues as one long call.
However, from the contact center’s perspective, that wasn’t just a long call but rather a series of segments independent from one another. Getting an IVR (Segment 1) is independent from getting on a queue and talking to an agent (Segment 2), and so on.
Segment diagram

Agent State

Agent states include both call-related and non-call-related agent time. Agent states are the agent’s status like Available, On Break, Engaged, and so on. The sum of all agent states, when logged in, is called ‘Login’ in this LDM. 
Agent state diagram


Measures are computational expressions of numerical or quantitative data. These are data where mathematical functions can be performed.
  • Agent State
    • Agents: Number of agents logged in during the interval.
    • Away Time: Total time an agent is in an Away state.
    • Break Time: Total time an agent is in a Break state.
    • Lunch Time: Total time an agent is in a Lunch state.
    • Pending Disposition Time: Total time an agent is in any state after a call before submitting a call disposition.
    • Total Agent Login Time: Total time an agent is logged in.
    • Total Agent Work Hours: Total time an agent spent working (expressed in number of hours).
    • Training Time: Total time an agent is in a Training state.
    • Voice Agent Engaged Time: Time agent spent in engaged state.
    • Voice Agent Login Utilization: Percentage of an agent’s login time spent handling voice customer interactions.
    • Voice Agent Occupancy %: Time that an agent is engaged in productive work as a percentage of the time they are available to do productive work.
    • Voice Agent State Time: Total time agent spent in some voice state. Use as base metric to filter by specific voice states.
    • Voice Agent Utilization: Percentage of paid time that agents are either performing productive work or available to handle customer transactions in the voice channel.
    • Voice Available Time: Total time agent spent in Available state.
    • Voice Available Time %: Percentage of the login time that agent spent in some voice state. Use as base metric to filter by specific voice states.
    • Voice Non-Working Time %: Percentage of the login time that agent spent in some voice state. Use as base metric to filter by specific voice states.
    • Voice Other Time %: Percentage of the login time that agent wasn't engaged with a voice interaction, and wasn't available for voice interactions.
    • Voice Working Time %: Percentage of the login time that agent was engaged with a voice interaction.
  • Bucket
    • Queue Abandoned after...seconds: Number of queueing attempts that were abandoned after waiting in queue.
    • Queue Abandoned after...seconds %: Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts that were abandoned after waiting in queue 
  • IVR Inbound
    • Active Inbound IVRs: Number of IVRs serving inbound calls.
    • IVR Inbound Abandon Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions that were abandoned in IVRs out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs.
    • IVR Inbound Abandoned Count: Number of inbound interactions that were abandoned in IVR.
    • IVR Inbound External Transfer Failure Count: Number of failed external transfers of inbound interactions from IVR.
    • IVR Inbound External Transfer Failure Rate: Percentage of failed external transfers of inbound interactions from IVR.
    • IVR Inbound External Transfer Success Count: Number of successful external transfers of inbound interactions from IVR.
    • IVR Inbound External Transfer Success Rate: Percentage of successful external transfers of inbound interactions from IVR.
    • IVR Inbound External Transfer Talk Time: Total talk time for external transfers of inbound interactions done by IVR.
    • IVR Inbound Handle Time: Total handle time of inbound interactions in IVR.
    • IVR Inbound Interactions Count: Number of inbound interactions that were handled by IVR.
    • IVR Inbound Passed Count: Number of inbound interactions that passed IVR.
    • IVR Inbound Passed Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions that passed IVR out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs.
    • IVR Inbound Unique Callers Count: Number of unique ANI in inbound IVR interactions.
  • Outbound
    • Outbound Abandon Rate: Rate of outbound abandoned calls to the total number of answered calls.
    • Outbound Abandoned Count: Number of outbound abandoned calls or answered calls that were not connected to an agent.
    • Outbound Answered Count: Number of outbound calls answered by the party called.
    • Outbound Answering Machine Count: Number of outbound calls answered by answering machines.
    • Outbound Busy Count: Number of calls tagged as busy.
    • Outbound Call Attempts Count: Count of outbound call attempts.
    • Outbound Complete Count: Number of outbound calls marked as complete in the disposition.
    • Outbound Contact Count: Outbound calls that resulted in contact.
    • Outbound Contact Rate: Rate of outbound calls making contact to total dial attempts.
    • Outbound Intercept Count: Number of outbound call attempts with Intercept call results.
    • Outbound Leads Complete By Product %: Percentage of completed leads by product.
    • Outbound Leads Complete Count: Number of completed leads.
    • Outbound Live Answered %: Percentage of live answered calls to the total call attempts.
    • Outbound Live Answered Count: Number of outbound call attempts answered by a live person.
    • Outbound No Answer %: Percentage of unanswered calls to the total calls attempt.
    • Outbound No Answer Count: Number of outbound call attempts that were not answered.
    • Outbound No Answer Min Ring Time: Minimum outbound ring duration with Outbound No Answer call result.
    • Outbound Other Count: Number of outbound calls with call results other than what is specified in the system.
    • Outbound Ring Time: Total ringing time for outbound calls.
    • Outbound Success Rate: Percentage of outbound calls out of all outbound call attempts.
    • Outbound Successful Count: Number of successful outbound calls.
  • Queue
    • Avg Inbound Handle Time: Average time it took an agent to handle an inbound interaction.
    • Avg Queue Abandon Time: Average time caller waited in queue before hanging up. Excludes short abandons.
    • Avg Queue Abandon Time: Average time caller waited in queue before hanging up. Excludes short abandons.
    • Avg Queue Handle Time: Average time it took an agent to handle an interaction that arrived through a queue.
    • Avg Queue Inbound Handle Time: Average time it took an agent to handle an inbound interaction that arrived through a queue.
    • Avg Queue Outbound Handle Time: Average time it took an agent to handle an outbound interaction that was dialed through a queue.
    • Avg Queue Time: Average time inbound call spent waiting in one queue.
    • Avg Speed of Answer: Average time caller waited in a single queue for the interaction to connect to an agent.
    • Inbound and Queued Interactions: Number of interactions having Inbound Call Type, or having an Outbound Call Type, but put in a queue.
    • Max Queue Abandon Time: Max time caller waited in queue before hanging up.
    • Max Queue Time: Maximum time a call was waiting in a queue.
    • Queue Abandon Time: Time caller waited in queue before hanging up.
    • Queue Escalation Count: Number of interactions that were transferred by agents, after being answered.
    • Queue Escalation Rate: Percentage of transferred interactions.
    • Queue Inbound Abandon Rate: Percentage of abandoned queueing attempts out of all queued inbound interactions. Short abandoned calls are included into that metric.
    • Queue Inbound Abandoned Count: Number of inbound calls where a caller hangs up while waiting in queue.
    • Queue Inbound Accepted Count: Number of inbound interactions distributed to an agent from a queue.
    • Queue Inbound Accepted Rate: Number of inbound interactions handled by an agent, as a percentage of times that inbound interactions were queued.
    • Queue Inbound Agent Rejected Count: Number of inbound interactions rejected by an agent.
    • Queue Inbound Agent Rejected Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions rejected by an agent out of all inbound interactions.
    • Queue Inbound Deflected Count: Number of inbound interactions sent to another destination.
    • Queue Inbound Deflected Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions sent to another destination.
    • Queue Inbound Long Abandon Rate: Percentage of calls abandoned queue after long wait.
    • Queue Inbound Long Abandoned Count: Calls abandoned queue after short waiting.
    • Queue Inbound Segment Count: Number of times inbound calls were queued.
    • Queue Inbound Short Abandon Rate: Percentage of inbound calls abandoned in queue after short waiting.
    • Queue Inbound Short Abandoned Count: Inbound calls abandoned in queue after short waiting.
    • Queue Interactions Count: Number of interactions that reached queues.
    • Queue Manual Dials Connect Count: Number of manually dialed interactions that were dialed by agents through a queue, and were answered.
    • Queue Manual Dials Count: Number of manually dialed interactions that were put into queues.
    • Queue Manual Dials No Connect Count: Number of manually dialed interactions that were dialed by agents through a queue, but were never answered.
    • Queue Segment Count: Number of times calls were queued.
    • Queue Service Level: Percentage of calls that were connected to an agent within configured SLA out of total calls queued.
    • Queue Time: Total time spent waiting in a queue.
    • Queue Time %: Percentage of time spent waiting in a queue.
    • Queued Manual-Dials %: Number of manually dialed interactions that were put into queues as a percentage of all queued interactions.
    • SLA Passed Count: Number of calls answered within configured service level threshold.
    • SLA Qualified Count: Inbound calls qualified to be counted for service level agreement.

Helpful hint!

The metrics for SLAs reported will be according to the settings that were in effect during the call. This means if SLAs are adjusted, this will be reflected in the report generated.
  •   Segment
    • Acceptance Rate %: Percentage of acceptance rate of segments.
    • Agent Assigned Count: Number of agents assigned in the segment.
    • Agent Connected Count: Number of interactions connected to an agent.
    • Agent Wait Time: Total time an agent waited for a call.
    • Agents Handling Interactions: Number of agents that handled interactions of any type.
    • Avg Agent Wait Time: Average time agent spent waiting for the call.
    • Avg Handle Time: Average time it took an agent to handle the call.
    • Avg Hold Time: Average time customer was put on hold by the agent on the call.
    • Avg Ring Time: Average time ringing per segment.
    • Avg Talk Time: Average time customers spend on the phone connected to an agent or IVR per call segment.
    • Avg Wrap Time: Average time per call taken by agent to submit a call disposition after the call is disconnected.
    • Calls %: Percentage of calls to the total calls counted by product, date, and agent.
    • Customer Talk Time: Time agents spent talking to customers on calls.
    • Handle Time: Total handle time or transactions handled by the agent.
    • Hold Time: Hold time duration of the interaction.
    • Interactions Handled: Number of interactions handled.
    • Interactions Handled %: Percentage of interactions handled.
    • Manual Dials Count: Number of manual calls placed by agents.
    • Manual Dials No Connect Count: Number of manual calls placed by agents that did not connect.
    • Manual Dials No Connect Rate %: Number of manually placed by agent, but not connected.
    • Manual Dials Rate %: Percentage of segments manually placed by agent, as a ratio to all segments.
    • Manual No Connect Dials Count: Number of manual calls placed by agents that did not connect.
    • Ring Time: Ring time duration.
    • RNA Count: Number of calls presented to an agent but not connected (Ring No Answer).
    • RNA Rate %: Number of interactions ringing at agent phone, but not answered by the agent (Ring No Answer), as a percentage of all interactions assigned to that agent.
    • RNA Time: Total time agent phones were ringing for unanswered calls.
    • Segment Ring/Handle Time: Total ring or handle time of the segment.
    • Segment Time: Total time of the segment.
    • Segments: Total number of call segments.
    • Short Calls Count: Calls with talk time shorter than 10 seconds.
    • Short Calls Rate %: Percentage of calls with talk time shorter than 10 seconds
    • Successful Count: Number of successful interactions.
    • Talk Time: Time customers spent on the phone connected to an agent or IVR (including time on hold).
    • Talk Time %: Percentage of time agent spent talking (hold included) to all engaged time.
    • Wrap Time: Time agents spent between customer disconnection and disposition submission.


Attributes are non-measurable descriptors used to break down metrics and measures and represent qualitative data. Attributes can also be used as filters in your reports, KPI widgets, and dashboards. 
  • Agent
    • Agent First Name: Displays agents by their first name.
    • Agent Full Name: Displays agents by their full name.
    • Agent Group: Displays agent groups by name.
    • Agent Group ID: Displays by agent group ID.
    • Agent ID: Displays by agent ID number.
    • Agent Last Name: Displays agents by their last name.
    • Agent Location: Displays agents by their location.
    • Agent Login ID: Displays agents by their login ID number.
    • Agent Team: Displays agent teams.
    • Agent Type: Distinguishes agents from supervisors.
  • Agent State
    • Base State: State of a logged in agent. These are the default states that are automatically set by the system.
    • Pending Disposition: Gathers data for those with pending dispositions.
    • State: Custom agent states as configured by customers.
  • Common
    • Account: Account or client name to display.
    • Account ID: Account ID is displayed.
    • Main Account ID: Main account ID is displayed.
    • Product: Displays product name.
    • Product Group: Shows products by group name.
    • Product Group ID: Product group ID number is displayed instead of the product name.
    • Product Group Type: Product group type of the Product.
    • Product ID: Displays products by ID number.
    • Product Type: Displays products by type.
  • Inbound
    • Abandon Type: Displays long or short abandons.
    • SLA Passed: Shows calls that were answered by the agent within the threshold configured for the queue.
    • SLA Qualified: Presents data that passed SLAs. The SLA calculation won’t count short calls.

Helpful hint!

  • The metrics for SLAs reported will be according to the settings that were in effect during the call. This means if SLAs are adjusted, this will be reflected in the report generated.
  • Lead
    • Lead Aux 1: Shows additional lead information stored in Lead Aux one.
    • Lead Aux 2: Shows additional lead information stored in Lead Aux two.
    • Lead Aux 3: Shows additional lead information stored in Lead Aux three.
    • Lead Aux 4: Shows additional lead information stored in Lead Aux four.
    • Lead Aux 5: Shows additional lead information stored in Lead Aux five.
    • Lead City: Presents data for the lead’s city.
    • Lead Complete: Displays for leads whose status is complete.
    • Lead Country ID: Displays for the lead’s country ID.
    • Lead List: Displays for specific lead list names.
    • Lead List ID: Displays for specific lead list ID numbers.
    • Lead Max Passes: Displays for leads that have reached max passes.
    • Lead Pass Count: Shows the pass count of leads.
    • Lead State: Presents data for the lead’s states.
    • Lead Status: Displays for the status of leads, whether the lead is ready or complete.
    • Lead Success: Shows successful outbound calls tagged as ‘Success’ during dispositions.
    • Lead Timezone: Presents data for lead’s timezone.
    • Lead ZIP: Presents data for lead’s zip code.
  • Segment
    • After Hours: Data of calls that came in after hours.
    • Agent Connected: Data of agents for when they were connected and handled a transaction or not.
    • Agent Disposition: Type of agent disposition data to display — default, requeue, or to not display at all.
    • Agent Presented: Displays whether an agent was presented with calls or not.
    • ANI: Displays by ANI.
    • Call Result: Different call results such as inbound abandon or inbound defected, among many others.
    • Call Type: Inbound or outbound calls.
    • Channel Type: Voice or digital.
    • Complete: Complete or incomplete calls.
    • Contact: Agent dispositions marked as ‘Contact.’
    • Dial Type: Type of outbound calling.
    • DNIS: Displays by DNIS.
    • Duration Type: Length of call.
    • Final: Final segment of the call.
    • First Contact: Lists if segment is first contact.
    • Index: Number of the segments of a call.
    • Presented: Calls that were presented to an agent.
    • Resolution Success: Customer issue was resolved successfully and customer did not return with the same issue.
    • Resolved: Calls marked as ‘Resolved.’
    • Success: Calls marked as ‘Success’ in agent dispositions.
    • Term Party: Which party terminated the call.
    • Termination Reason: Reason a call was terminated.
    • UII: Displays a unique identifier for an interaction.
  • Time
    • Started Half Hour: Presents data for start time with options for every half hour.
    • Started Hour: Displays data for start time with options for every half hour.
    • Started Quarter Hour: Presents data for start time with options for every quarter hour or fifteen minutes.
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