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Release Notes

RingSense for RingCX | Q1 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingSense for RingCX.

Q1 2024

Release date: March 15, 2024

Introduced the following features

  • Enable email and in-app notifications for calls activities (e.g., comments, feedback, scorecards, call shares, mentions). 
  • Provide the user capabilities to manage email and in-app notifications settings so that users could manage their notifications according to their needs.
  • Allow users @ mention other RS users in Comments.
  • Introduced new data on call details page for customer contact info and AI insights around objection and frustration reasons.

Release date: April 12, 2024 (Note: Feature may be visible in app as a beta feature prior to this date)

Introduced the following features

  • Transcription of calls in Spanish.
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