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Release Notes > Rooms > May 2024
Release Notes

RingCentral Rooms | May 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Rooms.
RingCentral Rooms (Android/Windows)
VERSION 24.2.20
Release Date: 05/20/2024
What's new
  • Manage digital signage display times: IT admins can customize the days and times that digital signage displays from the Admin Portal. 
  • Rooms users can opt in to pre-beta features: With Labs, users can now opt in to pre-beta features before they get released in beta or to all users. Full HD (1080p) video for Rooms is the first lab feature.
  • Self-view in SIP meetings: With self-view, participants can see how they look on camera in SIP meetings. The user can hide the thumbnail or adjust its position and size.
  • Update the Rooms scheduler from the Admin Portal: IT admin can now update or schedule an update for the Rooms scheduler from the Admin Portal. 
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