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Release Notes > RingCX > November 2024
Release Notes

RingCX | November 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCX.

Version 24.4.2

Release date: November 2024

What’s New

This is the November Release Note Summary.

RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.

November Release Notes summary


  • Pre-Built Admin Roles: RingCX now offers three pre-built roles to streamline the process of creating new admin users: full access, agent management, and reporting only.
  • Analytics: Last Data Update in Reports: The Last Load Time and Timezone elements have been added to every standard report to indicate the date, time, and time zone when the data in the report was last loaded.
  • Analytics: New Leads Attributes: A large set of attributes has been added to describe the outbound campaign leads.
  • Analytics: Voice Callback Metrics: A number of callback related metrics have been added to analyze callback interactions.
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