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Events Trend widget on the Alerts Log dashboard 
| RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021
The Events Trend widget is a graph showing triggered alerts that resulted in notifications.
Alerts Log Event Trends widget.
Colored lines represent alerts that resulted in notification at three levels of severity:
  • Purple: low
  • Orange: medium
  • Red: high
Hovering on the graph displays the number of triggered alerts for each category of severity during a specific time duration. The duration is hourly when shorter date range filters are applied such as Today or Yesterday, and daily if a longer date range filter is used.
Additional detail displays when you hover over a point in the line in the Events Trend graph.
Clicking on that point filters the Triggered Alerts Log with alerts for that period. 
Clicking on that point reloads the Triggered Alerts Log with alerts for that period.
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