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Version 22.1.30
Release Date: 3/21/2022
Easier to manage conference calls
Start and manage conference calls for yourself, or executives you support, right from the app. You can also easily transfer call ownership to another person.
Control Guest labels
In your Message settings, you can now turn on and off Guest labels in conversations.
Call control keyboard shortcuts
We've added new keyboard shortcuts for active calls like mute/unmute, transfer call, and more.
Company contact extensions
Easily view your company contacts' extensions from the Contacts tab.
Copy and paste images for SMS
You can now use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl C and Ctrl V to copy and paste images into your text messages (SMS).
Share files from Box
Share files in your messages directly from Box's cloud content management system.
Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) Bulgaria
Use your existing carrier for calls in Bulgaria with our dial-plan support.
Phone settings update
The phone settings layout is now consistent across all apps.