Stai usando l'ultima versione di RingCentral? Aggiorna subito l'app per approfittare della più recente esperienza d'uso, di una maggiore sicurezza e di una qualità ottimale delle chiamate.
Users will have the option to automatically block any incoming call that is labeled a “Suspected Robocall.”
Admin Portal Updates
In this release, updates will be made to the overall layout and navigation of the RingCentral Admin Portal. Updates include updated cascading menus, customizable tables, and more intuitive overall navigation.
RingCentral Conference Reset
As an added security measure, admins will be able to reset and regenerate conference host and participant codes for RingCentral audio conferences.
Spoofed Caller-ID Detection
RingCentral will soon have the ability to verify the authenticity of the Caller ID on inbound calls in order to cut down on robocalls with spoofed numbers.