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Release Notes > Events > May 2024
Release Notes

RingCentral Events | May 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Events.

Event creation flow update

Release date: May 8, 2024

  1. Clearer Event Types: We've taken steps to clarify the different event types that can be hosted on RCE, making it easier for you to choose the right format for your needs. You’ll now see all event types side by side when creating a new event. Whether you're hosting a single-track webinar-style event, a multi-track virtual event, or a hybrid/on-site gathering, our platform will scale with you and provide the feature sets that are relevant for each event type. 
  2. Introducing the “Webinar” event type: This event type is aimed for your simpler, quicker to set up, single-track events. With a simplified event dashboard and lighter feature set, the focus is on hosting your content in a single Stage or Session, while keeping all the audience engagement tools that make RingCentral Events unique. 
Event creation flow update

Native Push Notifications on the Attendee App (WIP)

Release date: May 3, 2024

Custom announcements from event organizers will now be sent directly to the RC attendee app as push notifications. Additionally, default push notifications will keep you informed about the event in real-time. Stay connected and up-to-date effortlessly with our enhanced notification system.

Types of push notifications are:

Notification Audience Action
Event starts in 1 hour All attendees Goes to ticket page
Session starts in 5 min All registered/bookmarked attendees of this session Goes to session page
Session starts now All registered/bookmarked attendees of this session Goes to the session page
Session rescheduled All registered/bookmarked attendees of this session
Goes to session page
DM notifications Receiver of the DM Goes to the DM directly
Custom notifications (Announcements) To be sent from the web platform. Hyperlinks are not supported on the app.  
All attendees no filter All attendees of the event Opens the event
Session filter all tickets All attendees who have bookmarked/registered for the selected session only Opens the event
Ticket filter all sessions All attendees with selected ticket type only Opens the event
Session and ticket filter together All attendees with selected ticket type who registered/have bookmarked the selected session Opens the event
Notification Settings (App level)   N/A
Session (agenda) Notifications ON Attendee will receive all notifications for the sessions the attendee is registered for / has bookmarked N/A
DM notifications ON Attendee will receive notifications for all incoming DM messages N/A
Both notifications OFF Attendee will not receive any push notifications notifications will ONLY appear in the notification center N/A
Notification Center All Session (agenda) notifications and custom notifications will be listed here as unread until the attendee opens the notification center N/A
Notification Center DM notifications will not be shown in the notification center as there is a separate DM inbox already available N/A

Custom push notifications to be sent from the regular Announcements panel

Native Push Notifications on the Attendee App (WIP)
Native Push Notifications on the Attendee App (WIP)
Native Push Notifications on the Attendee App (WIP)
Native Push Notifications on the Attendee App (WIP)
Native Push Notifications on the Attendee App (WIP)
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