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Release Notes > Webinar > June 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Webinar | June 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Webinar.
VERSION 23.2.20
Release Date: 06/09/2023
What's New

This release is the GA Release for webinar features for Marketers, who now gain the following capabilities essential to lead-generation activities:

  • Registration: Webinar Organizers can schedule webinars that require users to register before attending the session. Marketing and Sales teams use registrant information as leads in demand-generation and lead-nurturing campaigns.
  • Branded Landing Pages & Emails: With just a few clicks, Webinar Organizers can create beautiful landing pages and registration emails reflecting their company’s brand. Such branded experiences are vital for maximizing registrations.
  • Automated Emails: Webinar Organizers can easily customize the types and content of automated emails sent to webinar registrants and attendees. These emails which confirm registration and remind registrants of the upcoming webinar, are vital for maximizing attendance. Also new to this release is an option that allows attendees to view the recording when they receive the post-event “thank you email,” thereby improving post-event engagement and recall.
  • Registrant and Attendee Insights: Webinar Organizers can view detailed registrant, attendance, and engagement insights using a downloadable CSV report. Such reports are important for Marketers to identify the most engaged registrants for demand generation and lead-nurturing activities that follow the webinar.
  • RingCentral Webinar for Adobe Marketo: This is an integration that enables marketers to easily add webinars to their existing Marketing Automation campaigns and workflows. Using this integration, they can automatically sync registration, attendance and other webinar information between Adobe Marketo and RingCentral Webinar. Such integrations are crucial for Marketers, particularly those belonging to large enterprises, who run webinars as part of a broader program of marketing activities aimed at demand generation and lead-nurturing.
  • Admin Settings for Marketing Leaders: From a single centralized location within the RingCentral App, Marketing and Marketing Ops Leaders can enforce uniform branding standards, registration questions, and custom emails for all Marketing Webinars. This eliminates the possibility of error when individual webinar organizers set up webinars. Additionally, Marketing Leaders can also connect RingCentral Webinar to Adobe Marketo (one-time setup) to ensure that correct data flows between webinars and Adobe Marketo. In contrast to other webinar solutions which only permit IT Admins to perform the above tasks, RingCentral Webinar permits IT Admins to delegate them to subject matter experts in Marketing / Marketing Ops. This enables Marketing Teams to control their webinars 100% without taking a time-consuming dependency on IT Admins, while also freeing IT Admins to work on their core responsibilities.

Other improvements launching today include:

  • Share Recordings Easily and Securely: Webinar Organizers now gain even more flexible ways to securely share links to session recordings with others. Organizers can now specify who can playback the recording when those viewers click on the recording link (e.g. company employees only), disable playback after a certain date, or disable playback altogether.Sharing the recording playback link is super-simple using Gmail, Outlook, or other email clients. Webinar Organizers can also share the playback link via Instant Message to a specific Glip Team or colleague.
  • Faster Recording Downloads: Webinar Organizers who have poor network connectivity can now download webinar recordings (MP4 | M4A Files) up to 80% faster than before
  • Quality and Usability Improvements: Over 35 fit-and-finish and reliability enhancements such as the ability for webinar participants to report problems when the webinar is underway.
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