Personal Connection

New Studio action: PlaceCallwAMD
This action will be an improvement on the existing PlaceCall action. It will include Laydown functionality for automated handling of answering machine messages.
Customer Request X UI Change X Future Enablement X
Contact Center Signing for SHAKEN Attestation
In accordance with the United States FCC mandate to implement SHAKEN signing, Contact Center has received signing authority and will sign all calls initiated from Contact Center with Full (A-level) attestation. Contact Center will verify all caller ID values being used to confirm they align with the businesses using them. Unresolved concerns with unverified caller IDs will result in downgrading the traffic for them to B-level attestation.
The Global Caller ID field within each Business Unit will need to contain a valid phone number that belongs to you. This will be the value Contact Center uses to verify the business entity. If you want to display an anonymous presence on a call, you will be able to override the caller ID at the skill or record level with a blank caller ID.
Outbound calls made using a phone number with A-level attestation create trust with customers that they are not receiving an unwanted robocall, so A-level phone numbers yield higher answer rates.
This feature will only be available in the United States. 
Customer Request X UI Change X Future Enablement X
New System Dispositions Blocking Robocalls
New system dispositions will track the required feedback from carriers related to call blocking efforts. If the call is blocked by customer request or by analytic engines, they will be required to return a specific SIP message. These will surface as two new outcomes you will be able to control on the Retry Management page.
This will enable you to take corrective action to increase answer rates. These blocked calls are associated with the TRACED Act passed by the United States Congress, and the feature will only be available in the United States. 
Customer Request X UI Change X Future Enablement X


New SFTP Protocol
 If you use an SFTP server for custom reporting, you will have the option to use an SSH or SSH2 protocol. 
Customer Request X UI Change Future Enablement X


Installer Support for x86 and x64 OS Versions
To streamline the installation and upgrade process, the Studio installer will be updated to use either a 64-bit or a 32-bit installation, depending on the user's OS version. 
Customer Request
UI Change X Future Enablement X
Script Validation to Prevent Not Found State for Contacts
Studio will validate all scripts during the save process to ensure that scripts called by actions such as Spawn or RunScript are active and valid scripts. Studio will display an error message when: 
  • An action calls a script that is invalid or inactive, 
  • Someone attempts to delete or deactivate a script that is called by an action.
This will prevent contacts from being placed in the Not Found state as a result of invalid or inactive scripts. Having large numbers of contacts in the Not Found state places a high demand on system resources, which can slow the entire system down. 
Customer Request UI Change Future Enablement X
New Studio Action: ScriptCount
ScriptCount will provide a count of the number of Studio scripts currently active in your business unit. This will be helpful for organizations that want to use the total number of scripts actively running in their business unit in other scripts. 
Customer Request
UI Change X Future Enablement X
New Studio Action: AskCaller
The AskCaller action will allow you to integrate digital scripts into your Digital First Omnichannel live chat and chat messaging channels. This is a new AskCaller action. The existing AskCaller action is for Chat script types, but the new action is for digital script types. Digital scripts must be created and implemented by NICE Contact Center Expert Services. See the Digital First Omnichannel section of these Coming Soon notes for more information. 
Customer Request X UI Change X Future Enablement X
New Studio Action: PlaceCallwAMD
The PlaceCallwAMD action will allow you to improve answering machine detection (AMD) and message delivery. See the Personal Connection section of these Coming Soon notes for more information. 
Customer Request X UI Change X Future Enablement X
Digital First Omnichannel Updates 
Studio will receive several updates to support new Digital First Omnichannel features. See the Digital First Omnichannel section in these Coming Soon notes for more information. 

Voice Access

911 Enhancements
911 enhancements will include:
  • An Emergency Call Default Callback Phone field in the Business Unit. It will specify a callback phone number if a 911 call is disconnected prematurely. 
  • Full physical address and address verification fields in the user location settings. These fields also appear in the ACD user bulk upload and APIs.
Customer Request UI Change X Future Enablement X
The verified address will be referenced to deliver 911 calls directly to the local Public-Safety Answering Point (PSAP) rather than routing it through the National Emergency Center first. This will enable quicker response times from local first responders and provide compliance with Ray Baum's Act. 
This feature will only be available in the United States.
Customer Request X UI Change Future Enablement X

Preview of Navigation Redesign

Navigation in the Contact Center portal will change for a simpler, more intuitive navigation experience. 
Side navigation bar:
  • Folders will be open by default so you can see all options when you open an app.
New app selector:
  • A new grid icon located on the left side of the title bar will launch all apps from one location. This includes both apps that open inside the Contact Center browser instance and those that launch in a separate window. 
  • When you hover over an app in the app selector, an "opens in new window" icon will appear if it can be launched in a new window.
  • Since all apps will be linked to the app selector in the title bar, the app selector in the side bar navigation will be removed.
  • The icon indicating which app you're currently in will also move from the side navigation bar to the title bar, to the right of the new app selector. 
View image of the new Contact Center title bar and side navigation
View image of the new Contact Center title bar and side navigation
View image of the new Contact Center app selector
This image shows the navigation pane that will open when you click the new app selector grid icon in the title bar. Not all possible apps appear in the screenshot.
View image of the new Contact Center app selector
Navigation Changes
This table shows the difference between how you currently navigate to an app in Contact Center and how you'll navigate to the same app in the new navigation design. 
Guide to Terms in the Table
In the Current Navigation column:
  • Side navigation bar app selector—Located at the top of the side navigation bar. 
Side navigation bar app selector
  • App launcher—Grid button located on the right side of the title bar.
App launcher
In the New Navigation column: 
  • Title bar app selector—Grid button that will be located on the left side of the title bar.
Title bar app selector
App Current Navigation
New Navigation
ACD Side navigation bar > app selector > ACD  Title bar > app selector > Omnichannel Routing > ACD
Adapters App launcher > Launch Adapter Title bar > app selector > Others > Adapters
Admin Side navigation bar > app selector > Admin Title bar > app selector General > Admin
Feedback Management App launcher > Launch Feedback Management Title bar > app selector > Data & Analytics > Feedback Management
Interaction Analytics  Side navigation bar > app selector > Analytics Title bar > app selector > Data & Analytics > Interaction Analytics
MAX App launcher > Launch MAX Title bar > app selector > Omnichannel Routing > MAX
PartnerHub App launcher > Launch PartnerHub Title bar > app selector > Others > PartnerHub
Performance Management App launcher > Launch Performance Title bar > app selector > Others > Performance
Reporting  Side navigation bar > app selector > Reporting Title bar > app selector > Data & Analytics > Reporting
Studio authentication App launcher > Studio Authentication Title bar > app selector > Omnichannel Routing > Studio Authentication
Supervisor App launcher > Launch Supervisor Title bar > app selector > Omnichannel Routing > Supervisor
WFI Side navigation bar > app selector > WFI Title bar > app selector > Automation > WFI