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Release Notes > Mobile App > April 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Mobile App | April 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Mobile App.
version 23.2.10
Release Date: 4/24/2023 to 4/28/2023
  • Whiteboards available after meetings
    • Collaborate using whiteboards both during and after meetings. After your meetings end, you and all the participants will be able to add and make changes to your whiteboards.
  • Expanded in-app search
    • Effortlessly access settings, help articles, and other useful information with our expanded in-app search.
  • Status update improvement
    • Set your status faster without having to retype it. Recent status messages are now saved for quick access.
  • Check how loud your voice is in a phone call from the sound level meter in the Mic (mute) button. Open beta
  • Bold conversation settings
    • You can configure per your preference so that conversation list can turn bold on or off. Note that this setting would only apply if the user has UMI set to showing unread count for ALL messages. RC wide beta
  • Introducing the split view on iPad to optimize the productivity and user experience by showing both a list and its corresponding content side by side.
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