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Release Notes > RingCX > October 2024
Release Notes

RingCX | October 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCX.

Version 24.4.1

Release date: October 2024


  • The IVA framework now supports SIP integration with third-party IVAs, including Cognigy.
  • RingCX now includes RingEX queue extensions in the corporate directory, allowing users to dial or transfer calls directly to queues.
  • Agents can send outbound chat messages directly from RingCX using APIs, making it easier to follow up on service issues, answer questions, and resolve problems.
  • Agents can preview multiple images and videos from emails, chats, and texts while composing a reply. Because images are available for preview, admins can now choose to restrict downloads on agents’ local devices.
  • Emoji widgets in RingCX have been upgraded to the same library used by RingEX, adding emoji search, skin tones, an expanded emoji library, and keyboard shortcuts.



  • Agent Login Time Tracking Details: Shows agent first login time and last logout time per calendar day, along with durations of agent states.
  • Agent Speed of Answer: Shows the average speed of answer by agent and overall per contact center. 
  • DNIS Inbound Overview: Shows the number of inbound interactions per DNIS number. Interaction details include DNIS description and time averages.
  • Interactions Overview: Shows all incoming and outgoing interactions including their metrics and handling resources, for a holistic view and analysis of contact center activities.


  • Agent SOA: Average time it takes agents to answer voice interactions.
  • A large set of trend and forecast related metrics have been introduced for inbound and outbound interactions.
  • New metrics have been added to track the numbers and durations of various base states for contact center agents.


  • Agent Locale: Displays the locale setting of the agent interface showing the agent’s preferred language (reserved for internal use).
  • Brand ID: Partner’s brand ID used for billing and integration.
  • Brand Name: Partner’s brand name used for billing and integration.
  • Sub Brand ID: Partner’s brand division ID used for billing and integration.
  • Sub Brand Name: Partner’s brand division name used for billing and integration.
  • Connected Route Destination ID: Displays a phone number or SIP address of the agent’s login extension.
  • DNIS Description: Displays the DNIS description if defined in the phone number settings; helps to identify interactions with the same DNIS description and group them for reporting purposes.
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