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Release Notes > Events > August 2024
Release Notes

RingCentral Events | August 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Events.

Release date: August 7, 2024


Meta Pixel tracking now supported
Newly designed registration form
  • Newly designed Sharing & Tracking Tab: Organizers can now use the new tab to configure the sharing snippet of their event and set up tracking codes with Google Analytics and the new Meta Pixel.
Newly designed Sharing & Tracking Tab
  • New Email Editor & Improved User Experience: Changes include:
    • New editor in Customize Emails and Email Attendees tabs (upgrade to CKEditor5): Organizers now have a new editor when they are making changes to system emails or creating new custom emails. This editor has a new UI and a cleaner interface. 
    • Easily add custom variables to emails: Organizers can now select from a list of custom variables (previously called liquid tags) via a dropdown menu in the new email editor. These uneditable variable tags get placed as objects into the email body and can be moved around to wherever the organizer wants to use them.
    • Improved UX for editing emails: The page for editing system emails and creating new emails has been simplified into a cleaner UX so that it’s smooth for an organizer to move between editing and previewing emails.
Improved UX for editing emails


  • Noise cancellation in Sessions: Attendees sharing audio and video within Sessions can now remove background noise, and will also be alerted when speaking while muted. The noise cancellation is OFF by default.
Noise cancellation in Sessions
  • Branded Name Tags in Sessions: Name tags will now include branding and follow settings from the branding page. Speakers can also directly edit First Name, Last Name, Headline, and Profile Photo by clicking into the fields, which will also update their profile details.
Branded Name Tags in Sessions
Removed publisher numbers in Sessions

Analytics, data, and privacy

  • Engagement Analytics: The “Connections” analytics page has been renamed to “Engagement”. This is where event level analytics will be tracked, and the engaged attendees report can also be downloaded from this page.
Engagement Analytics
  • Data Apps custom questions mappings improvements: For customers who use Marketo, Hubspot, and Salesforce custom questions mapping, we have added a new update making it easier to map existing questions. Note that newly added questions need to be mapped as usual, the update only applies to existing questions.
  • Backup Sessions recordings: Available through the “Backup recordings” option in the admin dashboard, Backup Sessions recordings will be available in case main recordings are not available, and will be deleted after 3 months. Backup recordings do not include YouTube videos, engagement features, and are not available for Free accounts
Backup Sessions recordings
  • DM privacy settings on the Attendee App: Attendees can manage their privacy on the Attendee App. A new toggle in the Profile settings lets them choose if they want to be contacted by other attendees via DM chat (or not).
DM privacy settings on the Attendee App
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