October 2022 Product Updates
We hope everyone has had a great October. We have some exciting product updates to share this month - read on to learn more.
Before we share our exciting new product updates below, we would like to mention one notable change that will affect all organizers: Please note that on the Hopin platform, the button to reach out for support has moved. You can now reach out to support through the support chat option under the profile icon on your account.
Updates for event organizers
Registration Field Visibility
With this feature, hybrid and on-site organizers will be able to hide critical pieces of data from being visible to attendees or sponsors, such as a mobile phone number or emergency contact. Privacy is always important to event attendees and organizers so being able to hide identifying data, attendee information is more secure.
Privacy Settings
We are doubling down on privacy this month with this new feature, both organizers and attendees will be able to create privacy settings related to direct messages, scheduled meetings, and accepting video calls.
Organizers can configure privacy settings in the backend of Hopin by ticket type and event level for all attendees to ensure a high level of security.
Legal Consent
This feature adds the ability for organizers to add a “Consent” question type (with a checkbox) to their registration form.
Updates for attendees
Privacy Settings
As attendees do not necessarily want to always be able to receive messages and meeting invites, attendees can configure privacy settings individually for DMs, meetings and video calls but will always be able to receive these from an organizer.
Connections Directory
This feature will allow attendees to see the list of networking connections made within an event.
This information will live both at the Event Level (under the People area; specific to that event) and at the Account Level (under the user profile) outside of the event and show all connections made across events.
Copy Change: Networking Area
Please note that within the attendee view of a Hopin event, the People area on the left sidebar has been changed back to the default wording of “Networking”.
Learn more about this month’s updates and influence future releases
To learn more about this month’s releases, check out our Knowledge Base.
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