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Release Notes > Rooms > July 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Rooms | July 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Rooms.
RingCentral Rooms (Mac/Android/Windows)
VERSION 22.3.10
Release Date: 7/29/2022
What's New
  • Show meeting title & host name on Rooms controller
    • Room users can now check the meeting title and the meeting host on the meeting information page of the room controller after a meeting launches.
  • Support Room categories - Personal Rooms & Conf Rooms
    • IT admin can now categorize a room to be a “Personal Room” on ServiceWeb. Once selected, the room user’s meeting preferences will persist across meetings. 
  • Auto framing support for Mac Rooms
    • If Mac Room connected Aver520 Pro2 which supports auto framing, IT admin can set the camera to automatically track and frame the meeting participants.
RingCentral Rooms (Mac/Android/Windows)
VERSION 22.2.30
Release Date: 7/4/2022
What's New
  • Incoming Video Call Handling
    Rooms can now receive incoming video calls when it is invited to a video meeting. Users will be able to accept or reject an incoming video call when Rooms is being invited.
  • Show/Hide upcoming meetings on Room display
    Users can choose whether or not to show the upcoming meeting list on the Room display. 
  • Start Instant Meeting using PMI
    IT admin can now select a dedicated user for the Room from the company directory, and the dedicated Room user can choose to start an instant meeting with PMI.
  • View closed caption in Rooms
    Rooms users can know what’s been said on the Rooms host, helping everyone to follow along.
  • Configure Rooms settings from ServiceWeb
    Instead of running into each one of the conference rooms and configuring on the controller, IT admins can now configure some of the settings remotely from Service Web.
  • Auto framing support for Windows Rooms
    If Windows Room connected Aver520 Pro2 which supports auto framing, IT admin can set the camera to automatically track and frame the meeting participants.
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