Port, Domain, Voice, and IP Address Requirements

Port, Domain, Voice, and IP Address Requirements

This page provides details for all applications that require specific ports and IP addresses. These requirements are necessary for your contact center to work properly.

How to Determine Requirements for Your Contact Center

The selection list on the right side of this page will give you the details for setting up your specific contact center. If you don't know the cluster or phone number you use, talk to your account manager.
1. Ports and Protocols: Select the applications that your contact center uses.

Example: AdminEmailMAXStudio

2. Domain Names and IP Addresses: Select the cluster where your tenant is housed.

Example: C32

3. IP Voice: Select the phone number option matching your IP voice infrastructure.

 Example: 700-212-0

After making your selections, the page displays only the information that applies to your CXone implementation. You may need to scroll down to view all requirements.
For clarity in discussing ports, outbound is defined as from the customer initiation point to NICE inContact. Inbound is defined as the NICE inContact initiation point to the customer site.

Ports and Protocols by Application

View information regarding your selected content here.

Domain Names and IP Addresses by Cluster

Fully Qualified Domain Names

Rather than provide an exhaustive list of all fully qualified domain names (FQDN), we use templates based on some variables. If you are unsure how these variables apply to your , contact your account manager for clarification.
The following variables are used:
  • {cluster} refers to the assigned cluster for a customer.
  • {custom} corresponds to a custom hostname requested by a customer. The custom variable can be assigned through several different CXone product features.
  • {num} corresponds to a Engage QM Integrated host assignment.
NICE inContact uses platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud services for these clusters. Because of this, the IP address list we specify is not comprehensive and only shows addresses with fixed assignments. We recommend you configure your firewall rules for filtering using hostnames in order not to block valid traffic.
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