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Release Notes > RingEX - Embeddable
Release Notes

RingEX Developers Embeddable

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingEX Developers Embeddable.
Release Date: August 2021
What's New
  • RingTones
    • Now you can set your own distinct RingTone in the Embeddable. Note that you can only set the RingTone for all calls and not specific contacts. RingTone settings are disabled by default. Click here for instructions on enabling RingTones.
  • Pop-out
    • Refreshing a page can drop a call with the embeddable so a pop-up keeps the call connected, even if you refresh the page where the embeddable was. Just click the button to pop-out the embeddable into its own window. A placeholder will be left on the page to pop the embeddable back into the page. See here for more details.
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