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Downloading and understanding Adoption
and Usage reports | RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021

Table of contents

When in the Message, Video or Phone dashboards, on the far right is a Download option.
Location of the Download option.
Click Download to save data from the current dashboard in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet named with the type of report and the time period for the report data. Each report contains tabs for general metrics, KPIs and User Table metrics. General metrics identify when a report was downloaded and by whom, and the KPI tab contains key statistics about the usage of RingCentral Message, RingCentral Video, or RingCentral Phone.
The User Table tab contains the message metrics for all users. Each row in the spreadsheet represents the metrics for a client application from which a user sent messages. When a user has used multiple client applications, there will be a separate row for each endpoint used.
For example, these reports contain metrics for messages, video, and phone for the week May 8, to May 14, 2021:
You can customize the filter period to see up to 6 months of metrics. See Filtering the Adoption and Usage dashboards by date.

Downloading a report

  1. Navigate to Adoptions and Usage.
  2. Select the Message, Video, or Phone tabs.
  3. Click Download in the far right corner.
  4. Select Excel file as the file type to download.
The file downloads to the download folder specified in your browser.

Understanding message metrics

Within the report, several tabs provide metrics organized by general metrics, KPIs, and user table metrics.

Message: General metrics

  • User name: The name of the user who downloaded the report.
  • User Extension: The extension of the user who downloaded the report.
  • Download page name: The name of the Adoption and Usage dashboard.
  • From time: The start date for the reporting of metrics.
  • To time: The end date for the reporting of metrics.

Message KPIs

For definitions of the message KPIs, see KPIs on the Message dashboard.

Message: User Table metrics

The User Table tab contains the message metrics for all users. Each row in the spreadsheet represents the metrics for a client application from which a user sent messages. When a user has used multiple client applications, there will be a separate row for each endpoint used.
  • User Name: The name of the user for whom metrics have been generated
  • User Extension: The extension of the user.
  • User Email: The email address of the user.
  • Status: A description of how frequently the user sent messages. 
  • User Status: The active or inactive status of the user.
  • Department: The department to which the user belongs.
  • Site: If your account is configured with a multi-site configuration, the site to which the user belongs.
  • Endpoint: The client application used by the user to access messages. 
  • Version: The version of the client application used by the user.
  • Last Used: The last time the user accessed messages.
  • Usage Count: The number of times the user accessed messages.
  • Number of Messages: The total number of messages sent or received in the time period.
  • Percent of Messages: The percentage of the total messages that were sent or received by this user.

Video metrics

Within the report, several tabs provide metrics organized by general metrics, KPIs, and user table metrics.

Video: General metrics

  • User name: The name of the user who requested download of the report.
  • User Extension: The extension of the user who downloaded the report.
  • Download page name: The name of the Adoption and Usage dashboard.
  • From time: The start date for the metrics report.
  • To time: The end date for the metrics report.

Video KPIs

For definitions of the message KPIs, see KPIs on the Video dashboard.

Video: User Table metrics

The User Table tab contains the video metrics for all users. Each line in the spreadsheet represents the metrics for a distinct endpoint from which the user connected to the system to host or participate in meetings. When a user has used multiple endpoints, there will be a separate line for each endpoint.
  • User Name: The name of the user for which metrics have been generated.
  • User Extension: The extension of the user.
  • User Email: The email address of the user.
  • Status: A description of how frequently the user sent messages. 
  • User Status: The active or inactive status of the user.
  • Department: The department to which the user belongs.
  • Site: If your account is configured with a multi-site configuration, the site to which the user belongs.
  • Endpoint: The client application used by the user to access a meeting. 
  • Version: The version of the client application used by the user.
  • Last Used: The last time the user accessed messages.
  • Usage Count: The number of times the user created a meeting.
  • Number of Meets: The total number of meetings joined in the time period.
  • Percent of Meets: The percentage of the total meetings joined by this user.
  • Host Count: The number of times the user hosted a video meeting.
  • Participant Count: The number of times the user joined a video meeting as a participant.

Phone metrics

Within the report, several tabs provide metrics organized by general metrics, KPIs, and user table metrics.

Phone: General metrics

  • User name: The name of the user who requested download of the report.
  • User Extension: The extension of the user who downloaded the report.
  • Download page name: The name of the Adoption and Usage dashboard.
  • From time: The start date for the metrics report.
  • To time: The end date for the metrics report.

Phone KPIs

For definitions of the message KPIs, see KPIs on the Phone dashboard.

Phone: User Table metrics

The User Table tab contains the phone metrics for all users. Each line in the spreadsheet represents the metrics for a distinct endpoint from which the user connected to the system to place phone calls. When a user has used multiple endpoints, there will be a separate line for each endpoint.
  • User Name: The name of the user for which metrics have been generated.
  • User Extension: The extension of the user.
  • User Email: The email address of the user.
  • Status: A description of how frequently the user sent messages. 
  • User Status: The active or inactive status of the user.
  • Department: The department the user belongs to.
  • Site: If your account is configured with a multi-site configuration, the site to which the user belongs.
  • Endpoint: The client application used to place a phone call. 
  • Version: The version of the client application used by the user.
  • Last Used: The last time the user placed a phone call.
  • Usage Count: The number of times the user accessed messages.
  • Number of Calls: The total number of calls made by this user in the time period.
  • Percent of Calls: The percentage of the total calls that were made by this user.
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