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Desktop & web

Guest badge feature in the RingCentral app desktop and web | RingEX

Last updated on March29, 2022

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The guest badge feature provides users with an easier way to identify the guests in conversations, including teams, groups, and direct messages. This allows users to be more careful when sending sensitive messages and helps reduce the possibility of phishing attempts in the RingCentral app.

Guest pill

There are a number of areas within the RingCentral app where you can see the guest pill beside the name of the guest. This includes their profile, when they post a message, in your Contacts list, and more.
Guest pill

Guest pill in a message thread

If the conversation is created by your company members, there will be a guest pill next to the guest’s name in a message thread.
Guest pill in a message thread you or your company member created
If you are a guest in an external organization's conversation, a guest pill shows next to your name.
Guest pill in a message thread created by a user from another company

Conversation details panel

When a guest or several guests are members of a conversation, that will be indicated in the conversation details panel, which is at the upper right-hand side of the message thread.
Guests in the conversation details panel

Ghost text

Before typing in the message field, you will see ghost text indicating that there are guests in the conversation. The ghost text disappears after you type something.
In a direct message, group conversation, and teams with one guest, the ghost text will say Message (visible to guest).
Ghost text in a conversation with one guest
In a group conversation and teams with more than one guest, the ghost text will say Message (visible to guests).
Ghost text in a conversation with more than one guest
If you’re a guest in a conversation, the ghost text will say Message (visible to external user) or Message (visible external users).
Ghost text in a conversation where you're a guest

Guest banner

When a guest or several guests are members of a conversation, it will be indicated by a guest banner at the top of the conversation or team. Note that clicking the x close button on the guest banner will close it permanently.
Guest banner
When you are a guest in a conversation, the banner displays ‘You’re a guest in this conversation.’ 
Guest in a conversation banner

Managing the guest badge

You can turn off the guest badge display in certain places by going to Settings > Message and turning off the toggle for Display guest indicators under the Guest notifications section. Learn more
Managing the guest badge
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