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Monitoring an agent in real time

Real-time monitoring allows you to assess agent performance in real time and ensure compliance and performance issues are not overlooked. When you supervise an agent, the agent does not know that you are monitoring them.

To monitor an agent, navigate to
Supervision > Agents
, then click on an agent’s name or one of the agent’s ongoing interactions. While monitoring, you can navigate freely without disturbing the agent’s activities. The agent will not be able to see your mouse moving or when you open (or navigate in) the customer’s record or categorization windows. If you type in the answer field, the agent does not see the message.

However, there are some actions that are visible and may impact the agent, such as:

  • Asking for an interaction
  • Accepting an interaction
  • Changing the status of an interaction

From this view you can see the exact same interactions and inboxes as the agent you are supervising. In the
Current interactions
column, the interactions currently in the ongoing interactions of the agents are displayed. You can navigate in the different interface elements (interactions, inboxes, customer record) without disturbing the agent’s work.

On the agent’s screen, a new customer message that the agent just accepted has a yellow border and a white background. If the agent replies to the customer at least once, the customer message will have a yellow border and a gray background. If the agent is typing in the active conversation, three animated dots will appear on the chat window.

When you open an active interaction and you see the agent writing a reply in real time, the message is greyed out until the agent sends it and the cursor blinks. When you are finished monitoring the agent, click
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