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Updating agent states

Agent states are status notifiers that allow supervisors and admins to see what an agent is doing. Depending on an agent’s permissions, an agent may also be able to update their agent state manually. For example, if an agent wants to start receiving interactions after taking a break, they might need to change their status from

Typically your agent state is set to
by default once you’re logged in. However, agent states are configured and customized by administrators, meaning that the agent states you’ll find might differ depending on how your administrators have configured them.

Admins can also configure an agent’s account so that their agent state changes automatically as soon as they’re available for an interaction.

Updating agent states

  1. Navigate to
    Routing mode
    via the left-hand navigation bar.

  2. Click on the agent states dropdown at top right.

  3. Select your preferred agent state.

Once you’ve selected your agent state, it will appear as your current agent state.

In this article

Updating agent states
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