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Navigating the app

When an admin has successfully installed and set up the Engage Digital for Salesforce app, you can directly access Engage Digital within Salesforce. Your Salesforce login allows you single sign-on access to Engage Digital.

Accessing the Engage Digital app will depend on whether you use Salesforce Classic or Lightning. To access Engage Digital in Salesforce Lightning, select
App Launcher
(Lightning) from the top left-hand corner of the app, then choose the
Engage Digital (console Lightning)
Engage Digital (Lightning

To access Engage Digital in Salesforce Classic, select
App Launcher
from the
top dropdown menu, then choose the
Engage Digital (console)
Engage Digital

Navigating the Engage Digital app

Once you’ve selected the Engage Digital app in Salesforce, you can begin navigating the Engage Digital platform. The app will have the layout you specified during configuration. You can further customize which navigation items appear in the interface by choosing
in the app’s top
dropdown menu.

The first thing you’ll notice in the home page of the app is a page layout that includes all of your conversations in Engage Digital. The default page layout displays both a list of open/deferred conversations and a list of all the conversations. You can filter the conversations by the columns, such as conversations number, agent name, identity, or Salesforce case number.

Engage Digital menu item

To work directly within the Engage Digital Admin or Agent interfaces in the app, select the
Engage Digital
tab from the dropdown arrow on the
tab. These interfaces work exactly the same as the regular Engage Digital interfaces, except they are displayed within an iframe in Salesforce.

Navigation and behaviors of the interface are also identical except that the URLs you typically access may be different. You can also work directly in the main Salesforce browser window, or select to work in a separate pop up window just for Engage Digital.

To learn more about working as an Admin in Engage Digital, read Intro to Admin.

To learn more about working as an Agent in Engage Digital, read Intro to Agent.

Other menu items in the app

  • Accounts
    : Displays your individual Salesforce customer accounts.

  • Contacts
    : Displays your Salesforce contacts. Each may be associated with an identity.

  • Conversations
    : Displays all of your conversations and links to Salesforce cases.

  • Cases
    : Displays all of your Salesforce cases and links to related conversations.

  • Identity Groups
    : This page aggregates all your identities data, and shows all identities in the group.

  • Identities
    : Displays all your customer identities.

You can easily navigate between these entities by using the hyperlinks in the interface. For example, a customer identity that you view on the
page may reference links to conversation ‘INV-000123,’ which may be a conversation associated with the customer identity, and may belong to identity group ‘IDG-000123.’

Dashboards menu item

Dashboards are a way to present metrics to Salesforce users. The Dashboards menu item allows you to create widgets that display any of the analytics reports data that are collected by Engage Digital. To learn about the Analytics dashboards and reports available in Engage Digital, read Intro to Analytics. To learn more about creating and using dashboards in Salesforce, read Dashboards in the Salesforce documentation.

In this article

Navigating the Engage Digital app
Engage Digital menu item
Other menu items in the app
Dashboards menu item
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