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Network requirements | RingCentral Meetings Rooms

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Note: The RingCentral Meetings desktop and mobile app will be retired soon. Get the new RingCentral app for the latest features. To learn more about transitioning to the RingCentral app, visit this page.
You need to have a RingEX subscription with RingCentral Meetings and RingCentral Meetings Rooms License to set up RingCentral Meetings Rooms. RingCentral Meetings Rooms works with off-the-shelf hardware. Please make sure all hardware is fully connected and working before installing the RingCentral Meetings Rooms app.
RingCentral does NOT cover support on any hardware that is used for RingCentral Meetings Rooms configuration. Please contact the manufacturers for direct hardware support.

1. Online account configuration

User Login with Meetings Rooms Access. See Create a User with RingCentral Meetings Rooms Access for more information.

2. Bandwidth

  • 2.0 Mbps up and down for single screen
  • 2.0 Mbps up 4.0 Mbps down for dual screen
  • 2.0 Mbps up 6.0 Mbps down for triple screen
  • For screen sharing only: 150-300kbps
  • For audio VoIP: 60-80kbps
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