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Adoption & Usage: Active Users widget on the
Video dashboard | RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021
As you enable your organization and various units within it to use RingCentral, one key metric to track is the number of users who are actively using these products. The Active Users widget enables you to understand this information. For more details, see Active Users widget on the Overview dashboard.
The Active Users widget helps you understand the total enabled users on the video service, and how many active users there are across your entire organization. You can see this data as an absolute number as well as a percentage of total enabled users.
Active users widget.
The By Host section of the widget lists the top 10 active users as measured by the number of meetings and minutes of meeting time. Each horizontal bar shows the total number/percentage of meetings the user hosted or joined within the selected time frame. 
The default view of active users appears in descending order (users who made the most number of calls to users who made the least number of calls). However, you can also view users in ascending order by clicking on the sort icon (arrow) to the left of the Meetings column.
In the example, there are 6,307 active users, or 64.5% of the user base. There are 3,466 inactive users, or 35.5% of the user base. The top three active users hosted or joined 134 meetings, 118 meetings, and 72 meetings. The remaining active users each have fewer than 60 meetings.
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