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Adoption & Usage: User Table widget | RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021
The User Table widget helps you better understand how your users access and use RingCentral products, and is available in Adoption and Usage reports on the Message, Video, and Phone dashboard pages. This widget provides a list of all users with Enabled or Not Activated status on the RingCentral Admin Portal with permission to use RingCentral Message, RingCentral Video, or RingCentral Phone.
User table widget.
The user table contains the message, video, or phone metrics for all users. Each entry in the table shows the number of times the user used a specific client application such as a desktop or mobile app to connect to Message, Video, or Phone in the selected time frame. Click the down arrow to display a breakdown of the endpoint, version, last used, and usage count metrics.
User table widget, additional details.
You can hide or display selected columns using the Select Columns option, sort using the arrows to the left of each column header, and filter results based on any column with a filter icon. Finally, you can search the user table by name or extension to filter results. 
You can select the number of table rows to show per page, and page through using the page navigation controls.
User table widget selection choices.

User table report metrics

  • User Name: The name and extension of the user for which metrics have been generated.
  • Department: The department the user belongs to.
  • Site: The site the user belongs to in a multi-site configuration.
  • Usage Frequency: A status representing how often users used the application in the past 30 days
  • # of Messages (Messages only): The total number of messages sent in the time period.
  • # of Meetings (Video only): The total number of meetings joined in the time period.
  • # of Calls (Phone only): The total number of calls made or received in the time period.
  • Endpoint: The endpoint used by the user to access messages in the selected time frame.
  • Version: The version of the client application used by the user in the selected time frame.
  • Last Used: The last time the user accessed messages.
  • Usage Count: The number of times an endpoint version was used by the user in the time frame.
The User Table widget does not include some more detailed user metrics that are included when downloading the Adoption and Usage reports using the Download option. Those additional report metrics include the Percent of Messages, for Messages; the Percent of Calls, for Phone; and the Percent of Meets, and Host Count and Participant Count, for Video.
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