Managing Live Reports Agents Count widgets
| RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021

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The Agents Count widget allows you to see the number of available agents by their state of availability in one or multiple queues. You can see whether they are available, ringing, talking, or are unavailable. Agents have the same status across all queues to which they are assigned. This widget has two views, one for the standard version and another when Remote Member Management (RMM) is enabled. RMM allows agent status to be set on a per-queue basis, which affects how Agents Count data is calculated and displayed. First, we’ll look at the standard view, then we’ll cover RMM later in this section.
Overview of the Agents Count widget.

Creating an Agents Count widget

  1. From your Live Reports dashboard, click the Add Widget tile found after any other widgets on the current dashboard.
  2. Select Agents Count from the add widget window choices. A new Agents Count Settings window displays. 
  3. In the Name field, accept the default, or give it a new name.
  4. Click the dropdown arrow in the Queue field to show a list of available queues for which to show report data, or use the Search field to find a specific queue. Click an entry for the widget to show data for that queue. Note: The Agents Count widget shows data for one queue at a time. To see data for multiple queues on one dashboard, add as many Agents Count widgets as you need. 
  5. Click Save to add the widget to your dashboard.

Remote Member Management

When enabled via the Admin portal, Remote Member Management allows an admin to assign agents individual status on a per-queue basis. If an agent is assigned to multiple queues, they might be available in some and unavailable in others. Agent status is based on aggregation of their DND (member) status and selected queue status, shown in the Member Status and Queue Status columns.
Member status determines whether an agent accepts queue calls overall. Queue status specifies whether an agent accepts queue calls in a selected queue. Since an agent can be assigned to multiple queues and have a unique status in each, the Agents Count widget shows data on only one queue at a time for RMM mode. Add multiple Agents Count widgets to the dashboard to monitor more than one queue.
If you created a dashboard with the Agents Count widget prior to RMM being enabled, you’ll be offered an opportunity to split queues should multiple queues have been entered into one widget. Each widget will show data for one queue. 
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