Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
Click here if you only need to receive SMS messages.
Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you.
Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
Note: If you’re using the RingCentral app on Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, make sure you turn on notifications in your browser settings, as well. If you have notifications turned off in your web browser, go to your browser settings and either allow any site to show desktop notifications, or allow sites to ask for permission to show notifications.
Select the notification sound you want to hear for each type of message, meeting, and call by clicking the dropdown at the far right of each setting. You can click the
icon next to the name of each sound to preview it.
You can select a sound for each of these notifications: