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Deploying the RingCentral desktop app MSI file to employees using Group Policy

IT admins can use MSI (Microsoft System Installer) package files to deploy the RingCentral app to users or computers within a company. By design, apps installed using an MSI file don’t support the auto-update feature. This gives IT complete control over the app version their employees use.

You can use Group Policy to deploy the MSI file using either of these methods:

  • Assigning the RingCentral MSI file
    : Assign a program distribution to users or computers:
    • Assigning the program to a user
      : It is installed once the user signs in to their computer. The installation is completed after the user runs the program.
    • Assigning the program to a computer
      : It is installed once the computer starts, and it’s available to every user who signs in to the computer. The installation is completed after a user first runs the program.
  • Publishing the RingCentral MSI file
    : Publish a program distribution to users.
The information above applies specifically to Windows Server 2012 R2. If you’re using a different version of Windows Server, the information may vary.

Preparing to assign or publish the RingCentral MSI file

Before assigning or publishing the RingCentral MSI file, you must first create a distribution point and Group Policy Object (GPO).

Creating a distribution point

To publish or assign a computer program, create a shared folder and a distribution point on your publishing server:
  1. Sign in to the server as an admin user.
  2. Create a shared network folder that will contain the MSI file you’ll distribute.
  3. Set permissions on this shared network folder to allow access to the distribution file.
  4. Install or copy the MSI file in the shared folder.

Creating a Group Policy Object

The MSI file is deployed through a Group Policy Object (GPO). To create a GPO, do the following:
  1. Click
    Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Right-click your domain in the console tree, then click
  3. Click
    Group Policy
    , then select
  4. Enter a name for this policy, then press
  5. Click
    , then select
  6. Check the
    Apply Group Policy
    box for the groups where this policy will be applied.
  7. Click

Assigning the RingCentral MSI file

The RingCentral MSI file is assigned on a per-computer basis and installed when the computer starts:
  1. Click
    Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Right-click your domain in the console tree, then click
  3. Click
    Group Policy
    . Select a policy, then click
  4. Under
    Computer Configuration
    , expand
    Software Settings
  5. Right-click
    Software Installation
    , then click
    New > Package
  6. In the
    dialog box, enter the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of the shared installer file you want to assign. For example: \\<file server>\<share>\<file name>.msi.
  7. Click
  8. Click
    , then click
    . The file will be listed in the right pane of the
    Group Policy
  9. Close the
    Group Policy
    window and click
    . Then, close the
    Active Directory Users and Computers
    window. Once the computer starts, the RingCentral MSI file is automatically installed.

Publishing the RingCentral MSI file

  1. Click
    Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Right-click your domain in the console tree, then click
  3. Click
    Group Policy
    . Select a policy, then click
  4. Under
    Computer Configuration
    , expand
    Software Settings
  5. Right-click
    Software Installation
    , then click
    New > Package
  6. In the
    dialog box, enter the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of the shared installer file you want to assign. For example: \\<file server>\<share>\<file name>.msi.
  7. Click
  8. Click
    , then click
    . The file will be listed in the right pane of the
    Group Policy
  9. Close the
    Group Policy
    window and click
    . Then, close the
    Active Directory Users and Computers
  10. Test the file:
    • Sign in to a computer using an account you published the file to.
    • Click
      Start > Control Panel
    • Double-click
      Add or Remove Programs
      , then click
      Add New Programs
    • In the
      Add programs from your network
      list, select the file you published, then click
      . The program will be installed.
    • Click
      , then click

Redeploying the RingCentral MSI file

In cases like upgrading or changing the file, you can redeploy the RingCentral MSI file.
  1. Click
    Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Right-click your domain in the console tree, then click
  3. Click
    Group Policy
    . Select a policy, then click
  4. Under
    Computer Configuration
    , expand
    Software Settings
  5. Click the software installation element that contains the deployed file.
  6. Right-click the file in the right pane of the
    Group Policy
    window, then click
    All Tasks > Redeploy application
  7. Click
    to reinstalling the program wherever it is installed.
  8. Close the
    Group Policy
    window and click
    . Then, close the
    Active Directory Users and Computers

Removing a file

  1. Click
    Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Right-click your domain in the console tree, then click
  3. Click
    Group Policy
    . Select a policy, then click
  4. Under
    Computer Configuration
    , expand
    Software Settings
  5. Click the software installation element that contains the deployed file.
  6. Right-click the file in the right pane of the
    Group Policy
    window, then click
    All Tasks > Remove
  7. Select either of the following:
    • Click
      Immediately uninstall the software from users and computers
      , then click
    • Click
      Allow users to continue to use the software but prevent new installations
      , then click
  8. Close the
    Group Policy
    window and click
    . Then, close the
    Active Directory Users and Computers

In this article

Preparing to assign or publish the RingCentral MSI file
Assigning the RingCentral MSI file
Publishing the RingCentral MSI file
Redeploying the RingCentral MSI file
Removing a file
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