Engage Digital | Importing an agent from RingEX

Last updated on July 21, 2021

Table of contents

If you have an existing account through RingEX, you will have the option to import agent accounts from RingCentral Admin Portal into the Engage Digital admin interface. 
Importing an agent account also imports information associated with that agent, including their first and last name, email address, username and password, and their timezone and language. The timezone and language are mapped to a regional language and timezone in Engage Digital.The rest of the agent account information can be configured within the admin interface. Visit Creating an agent to learn more about configuring agent account settings. 
If you’d like to import an agent from RingCentral Admin Portal, you must first create that user in RingCentral Admin Portal. There are two parts to creating a user: creating a user extension and creating and assigning a user to that extension. To learn more, visit Creating an extension without a phone
Note that if you’d like to import an agent account from RingCentral Admin Portal, you must first link your Engage Digital account to your RingEX account. Contact your CSM to learn more. 

Importing agent accounts

Import your agent accounts from RingCentral Admin Portal into the admin interface by following these steps.
  1. Navigate to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Select Import users at the top right to navigate to the first import page.
  3. Use the search bar at the top of the page and scroll through the list of agent users to find the agents you’d like to import.
  4. To select agent users that you want to import, either
    1. Check the box next to each of the agent users you want to import.
    2. Check the box at the top of the table in the header to select all agents in the list.
  5. Click the Next button at the bottom right to navigate to the second import page.
  6. Under the Permissions section, select the Role you’d like to configure for your agents, and optionally the teams and categories (we’ll review these settings below).

    If you’d like to make changes to these permissions later on, don’t worry. You can make these changes via the agent account’s configuration settings.
  7. Select the Import button at the bottom right to import the selected agent users and save your changes.

Agent import settings

The agent import process is separated into two pages, so we’ll review each page separately.

Pick RingCentral users to import — Step 1 of 2

The first page you’ll configure while importing agent accounts displays a table of all users created in your RingCentral company account. The table contains information about each agent, including their name, email address, and whether they have previously been imported. 
At the top of the page is a search bar that you can use to find a specific agent to import. 

Configure imported users — Step 2 of 2

The next page you’ll configure while importing agents from RingCentral Admin Portal allows you to view the agents you selected in the previous step and set role, team, and category assignments for those agents. 

Configuring role, team, and category

You are required to configure a role and may optionally configure one or more teams and categories.
  • Role: Select one of the predefined roles in the platform or a custom role. You can view the permissions defined for each of these roles by navigating to Roles and Permissions under Users.
    • Administrator: Selects a predefined role with permissions suitable for an admin.
    • Agent: Selects a predefined role with permissions suitable for an agent.
    • Manager: Selects a predefined role with permissions suitable for a supervisor.
    • Quality analyst: Selects a predefined role with permissions to view messages and events.
    • <custom_role>: Selects a custom role defined in Users > Roles and Permissions.
  • Teams: Specifies the teams to which the agent belongs.
  • Categories: Specifies the categories to which the agent belongs.
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