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Intro to Q&A in RingCentral Webinars

Using Q&A during a webinar is a great way to interact with your attendees. Hosts can turn the Q&A feature on or off when scheduling a webinar or during the webinar. Q&A is available once the webinar goes live, or you can also use it in prep sessions for testing.

When the webinar starts, click the
button in the bottom menu to open the Q&A window.

Click the Q&A button

The following Q&A controls are available only to hosts and cohosts. Learn more about how hosts, cohosts, and panelists can manage questions in a RingCentral Webinar.

  1. Allow Q&A
    : Click the toggle to turn Q&A on or off. Q&A is on by default and can be turned on or off any time before or during the webinar. When Q&A is turned off, attendees will not be able to submit questions.
  2. Open
    : Questions that haven’t been answered yet.
  3. Answered Live
    : Click to close the question after it’s been answered live.
  4. Answer
    : Click to type a response to the question.
  5. More
    : Click the three-dot
    icon to the right of any question to:
    1. Mark the question as answered live
    2. Mark the question as a duplicate
    3. Decline to answer the question
    4. Hide this attendee’s questions

Q&A controls that are available only to hosts and cohosts

The following Q&A controls and tabs are available to hosts, cohosts, panelists, and attendees while participating in Q&A sessions in RingCentral Webinars.

  1. All
    : Displays all questions asked during the webinar.
  2. Mine
    : Displays questions that you’ve asked (available to attendees only).
  3. Oldest
    : Click to sort webinar questions by
    , or
    Most voted.
  4. Smart Translation
    : This feature is enabled on the desktop app by default. It will detect questions in other languages, and automatically translate them to your system’s default language. Click the toggle to disable Smart Translation.
  5. Like
    : Click to add a thumbs up to the question.
  6. Ask a question in your preferred language
    : Enter questions here.
  7. Ask anonymously
    : Check this box to ask your question anonymously. This option is unavailable when anonymous questions aren’t allowed by the host.
  8. Send
    : Click to submit your question.

Q&A controls and tabs that are available to hosts, cohosts, panelists, and attendees while participating in Q&A sessions

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