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Running a prep session in webinars

All upcoming webinars begin in a prep session. If you’re the webinar host or cohost, a prep session allows you to run the event with cohosts and panelists before it starts. While in prep mode, the host, cohosts, and panelists retain their respective capabilities, such as unmuting, starting video, and screen sharing.

Running a prep session as a host

  1. Select
    in the left navigation bar.
  2. Hover over the name of the webinar, then click the
    button at the far right. You’ll see
    Prep session
    at the bottom right, but it will change to
    Go live
    once the webinar begins.


  3. If you’re running the prep session before the start of your webinar, you can click
    Go live
    when you’re ready to start the webinar itself, or you can click
    End >
    End for everyone
    once you’re done with the prep session.

    Note: If you are conducting the prep session without cohosts or panelists, the button will change to
    End > End webinar

  4. Once you click
    Go live
    , you won’t be able to start the webinar again at a different time, so you should only go live if you’re sure you want to start the actual webinar.


Running a prep session as a cohost

If you are a cohost of the webinar, you can run the prep session by clicking
Join as cohost
or the webinar link sent to your email invite.

To start a prep session from the RingCentral app, go to the
menu, hover over the name of the webinar for which you are a cohost, and click the

In this article

Running a prep session as a host
Running a prep session as a cohost
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