Managing Live Reports widgets | RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021

Table of contents

Naming your widget

Every widget requires a name. When adding, you can accept the default, or change it by modifying the name field.

Selecting a queue

The reports you generate will reflect data by queue, so every widget also requires you to make a queue selection. In the Queue field, click the down arrow for a dropdown list of available options. Click on an entry to choose that queue. If the widget can show data for more than one queue, click the checkbox next to your selections, then click Done
Other options depend on the widget you’ve chosen, but they all require a name and a queue selection.

Moving a widget

Each widget can be relocated on the dashboard by clicking and holding on the eight-dot icon in the tile’s top left corner. Drag to a new position. Release when it is in the preferred position.

Resizing a widget

Some widgets can be resized. Those that can be changed show a carat at the bottom right corner when you hover over the area and your cursor turns into a double pointed arrow. Click and drag to the preferred size, then release.

Editing settings

To change details for any widget, click on the three dot menu icon at the tile’s top right and click Settings. You will see a duplicate of the options with which you were originally presented and can change them by choosing different selections in the appropriate fields.
If you don’t own the dashboard, you will still be able to see the widget settings, but won’t be able to change them.

Duplicating a widget

Duplicate a widget by clicking the three dot menu icon at the tile’s upper right and click Duplicate. A window will display with settings options. Update with your preferred details and click Save. The duplicated widget displays immediately after the tile from which it was copied.

Deleting a widget

Delete a widget by clicking the three dot menu icon at the tile’s top right, then click Delete. A window will display asking you to confirm that you want to delete the widget. Click Delete to confirm.
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