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Engage Digital | Configuring security settings

Security settings allow you to configure settings related to your general security, user password settings, and content security policy. You can navigate to Security under Settings in the left-hand navigation bar.

Configuring general security settings

  • Session timeout: Sets the time in minutes when a session times out. Once the timeout occurs, you will have to log in again.
  • Disable browser notifications: Disables browser notifications from the platform.
  • Export to staging: Enables daily pre-production data export from the platform.
  • Disable third-party services (tracking ...): Deactivates tracking in the platform such as email tracking, and features such as spell check, video player, and png statistics export. No more data will be sent to optional third parties.
  • Session timeout: Sets the time in minutes when a session times out. Once the timeout occurs, you will have to log in again.
  • Deny iframe integration: Prevents iframe pages from being rendered.

Configuring user password settings

  • Enable password expiration: Enables passwords to expire.
  • Prohibit reusing old passwords: Prevents users from using old passwords when changing their password.
  • Password expiration delay: Allows you to set up an expiration delay for a password. You can use minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), and months (mo).
  • Number of old passwords: Defines how many old passwords a user cannot use when changing their password.
  • Minimum character length: Specifies the minimum length of a password.
  • Should contain at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase character: Requires that the password contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase character.
  • Should contain at least 1 number: Requires that the password contain at least one number.
  • Should contain at least 1 non-alphanumeric character: Requires that the password contain at least one special character.
  • Disable password autocomplete: Disables the password auto-complete function.
  • Disable password recovery by email: Disables password recovery by email.
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