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Engage Digital 
Intro to messaging notification templates

Messaging notification templates are used to create optional notification emails that are automatically sent to customers that reach out to your company through Engage Messaging’s Web Messaging mode. Web Messaging mode is an asynchronous chat application that your company integrates into your website. It is a chat window that appears to customers based on triggers that your company customizes. 
When a messaging notification template is active, a customer that had a conversation with your agent through Web Messaging mode will receive a notification email based on that template if they fail to read an agent’s message within 15 minutes. 
If you have an Engage Messaging Web Messaging channel with notification emails enabled, the system will create a default notification email template for it. The default template contains:
  • A transcript of the last three messages in the conversation between the agent and the customer. 
  • A link that opens the last page that the customer visited in your website, with the Engage Messaging chat window already open to allow the customer to read the agent’s message and continue the conversation. 
  • A link to unsubscribe or to stop receiving more notification emails about the conversation. You can customize these parts of the notification email in your custom templates.
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