2. Log in using your generic Google account and create a project. See
Dialogflow CX Setup in the Google Cloud documentation for more information.
3. Go back to the console and select the project you created.
4. Click
Create agent. See
Build an agent in the Google Cloud documentation for more information.
5. Create a flow for the agent. See
Flows in the Google Cloud documentation for more information.
6. In the Build page, click the add page plus sign icon in the Pages section. Enter a name for the page.
7. Hover over the newly created page then click the More icon that appears at the far right. Click Edit.
8. Click Edit fulfillment in the Page configuration panel on the right side of the page.
9. Click Add dialogue option.
10. Click Live agent handoff.
11. Add a dialog option in the Live agent handoff text box where the key has to be ‘name’ and the value can be any text. For example:
"name": "transfer_to_support"
12. Click Save.