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Release Notes > Events > December 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Events | December 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Events.

Release Date: December 2023
What's New
  • New plans and billing page 
    • Our new plans enable event organizers to run an unlimited number of events across the year with a maximum number of attendees per event. Users can follow their usage in the new revamped billing page. 
  • AI-categorization of Q&A
    • Questions can now be sorted in AI-created categories to allow organizers to answer them theme by theme. 
  • Confetti in Sessions
    • Session participants will now be able to send confetti on other participants’ tiles to drive higher engagement. 
  • Highlight chat and Q&A messages in Sessions
    • Session host can highlight chat and Q&A to appear on the video stream in session to drive higher engagement from the audience. 
  • Session layout
    • Session host can choose between 5 fixed layouts to structure the video tiles for all viewers. 
  • Sharing screen without being on camera in Session 
    • This allows for a presenter to manage the slide-deck while not sharing Audio and Video with the audience. 
  • Simplification
    • The Event tab will not be shown anymore if there is no engagement features enabled at the event level
  • Branding
    • Sessions background color will now pull from the theme used throughout the event for a more consistent brand image. 
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