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Release Notes > Rooms > August 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Rooms | August 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Rooms.
RingCentral Rooms (Mac/Android/Windows)
VERSION 22.3.20
Release Date: 8/18/2022
What's New
  • Show Chat on Room Display
    • Room users can now see the meeting chat from Room displays.
  • Join Zoom/Webex meetings via SIP
    • Room users can now join upcoming Zoom & Webex meetings using one tap "Join".
  • Join SIP meetings from mobile
    • Room users can now use their mobile device, select the room they want to connect to, and will be able to instantly join Zoom or Webex meetings that are on the mobile’s calendar from that room.
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