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Release Notes > Webinar > September 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Webinar | September 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Webinar.
VERSION 22.3.30
Release Date: 9/29/2022
What's New
  • Polls: Hosts can engage attendees better by running polls during the webinar. They can create polls beforehand (when scheduling the webinar) or on-the-fly (during the webinar), with up to 50 polls per webinar and 10 questions per poll.  Polls are one of two primary ways to drive attendee participation, the other being Q&A.
  • 1:1 Private Chat for Panelists: Hosts, cohosts, and panelists can now chat 1:1 between themselves bringing an additional privacy to conversations between webinar staff members. The user experience is identical to RingCentral Video chat, eliminating the learning curve for users.
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