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Navigating the Analytics portal on the web 
| RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021

Table of contents

The RingCentral Analytics portal presents usage statistics in real time and helps you spot call and meeting usage trends across RingCentral’s suite of products. Reports are shown as graphical representations of your account activities and are based on queue, user, and endpoint activity.


When you’ve logged in to the Analytics Portal from your browser or via the RingCentral app, you’ll see a navigation bar on the left and a main panel on the right. The left-hand navigation bar shows icons for each available report. Hovering over the bar expands it to show report names. Clicking on any icon opens its report page.
  • Adoption & Usage: usage preferences, levels, and patterns
  • Company Numbers: company-wide call metrics
  • Live Reports: usage statistics in near real-time
  • Meetings Dashboard: company-wide RingCentral Meetings metrics
  • Performance Reports: streamline and visualize key performance indicators
  • Quality of Service: monitor global health of RingCentral Phone calls and RingCentral Video meetings
  • Rooms & Devices: monitor global health of RingCentral Rooms and hardphones
  • Alerts: allows admins to configure customized alerts for call metrics for device status, room status, and health
  • Subscriptions: generate saved reports and send via email
Analytics tabs in the left navigation bar.

Reports pages

Most reports have tabs showing different top-level categories within the reports page. These let you drill down to more targeted information. For example, you might see tabs for Video, Phone, or Meetings. Clicking on a tab changes the main panel to show data relevant to its category.
Overview top navigation tabs.


Dashboards are how Analytics reports show the information that is most relevant to you in one place. Using widgets, dashboards can be configured to show details about categories of information to give you real-time insights into usage or see trend history. If you are enabled to create them, you can create and configure multiple dashboards to report different sets of data.
Where applicable, you can use the dashboard interface to:
  • View the report data
  • Select Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Search ​for a dashboard that has already been created
  • Add and manage widgets 


Widgets are the core of dashboard functionality. Each dashboard is populated with categorized tiles, some of which can be configured to fine tune the information they show. Analytics widgets reflect a broad array of details to help you understand various data points within your choice of parameters. 
Widgets can show data like:
  • Device usage
  • Total enabled users
  • Quality vs volume
  • Queue details
Widget example.
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