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Understanding the Calendar Migration Tool audit logs 

Last updated on April 15, 2021

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The RingCentral Calendar Migration Tool will transfer all your company users’ RingCentral Meetings session invites in Outlook to RingCentral Video meeting invites. This tool saves time by updating each user’s previously scheduled meeting invites in bulk.
Note: The Calendar Migration Tool may not update customized meeting invites. For example, if a user has made changes to the meeting details information that populates when you schedule a RingCentral Meetings session, such as the meeting invite URL or dial-in information, the Calendar Migration Tool will be unable to update this invite to a RCV meeting. 
If you’ve run the Calendar Migration Tool and found that some meeting invites failed to change, reach out to the owner of that meeting invite and have them change it manually. They can learn more by visiting Rescheduling a RingCentral Meetings invite to a RingCentral Video invite.

Viewing your audit logs

When you’re using the Calendar Migration Tool, you can choose to view the audit logs for all your calendar migrations. To view your audit logs, you can either 
  • Select the text audit log once you’ve completed a migration OR 
  • Select Your audit logs text from the Migrate your teams page.
Your audit logs will open in a folder on your computer, where you can select and view the reports you’re looking for. 
If you’d like to learn more about running the Calendar Migration Tool on your Outlook meeting invites, visit Using the Calendar Migration Tool on Outlook meeting invites. For Google calendar meeting invites, visit Using the Calendar Migration Tool on Google meeting invites.

Understanding audit log reports

Once you choose to view an audit log, you will receive four files: three .csv files and a .log file. The .log file provides a detailed log of the migration from start to finish. The .csv files are broken down into a users list and two reports: Users report and Events reports. 
The audit log files will only contain the migration details for that specific migration batch. If you perform several migrations, each migration will produce separate audit log files. 

Users list

The users list file contains a list of all the users that were selected when you ran the Calendar Migration Tool. The file contains the following info:
  • User Id: Unique identifier of the user.
  • User Name: Name of the user.
  • Email: Email address of the user.

Users report

The Users report breaks down the migration of RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Video meeting invites by each user in your company. A single meeting invite is marked as an event. 
You can view the following in the Users report:
  • User Id: Unique identifier of the user.
  • User Name: Name of the user.
  • Email: Email address of the user.
  • Status: Indicates the success of the migration for all events for that user. Status identifiers include the following:
    • Success: All invites were successfully migrated to RingCentral Video.
    • Skip: The user’s meeting invites were not RingCentral Meetings sessions, so were skipped.
    • No events: The user had no meeting invites to migrate to RingCentral Video.
    • Failed: The invites failed to migrate.
  • Total Events: All the user’s meeting invites, including both RingCentral Meetings and RingCentral Video invites.
  • Total RCM Events: The user’s total number of RingCentral Meetings invites.
  • Total Migration Events: The total number of invites that the tool attempted to migrate to RingCentral Video.
  • Total Skipped Events: The total number of invites that were skipped, meaning they did not need to be migrated to RingCentral Video because they were not RingCentral Meetings invites.
  • Total Failed Events: Total number of RingCentral Meetings invites that failed to migrate to RingCentral Video. You can either run the tool again to migrate these failed events or direct this user to update these meetings invites manually by following the steps in Rescheduling a RingCentral Meetings invite to a RingCentral Video invite.
  • Migration Start At: The date and time the migration started.
  • Migration End At: The date and time the migration ended.

Events report

The Events report breaks down the migration of RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Video meeting invites by each individual meeting invite, or event.
You can view the following in the Events report:
  • User Id: Unique identifier of the user that owns the meeting invite.
  • User Name: Name of the user that owns the meeting invite.
  • Email: Email address of the user that owns the meeting invite.
  • Event Subject: The subject, or title, of the meeting invite.
  • Event Start Time: The date and time of the start of the meeting.
  • Location: The meeting URL.
  • Is Recurring Event: Indicates if the meeting is recurring.
  • Is RCM Meeting: Indicates if the meeting is a RingCentral Meetings invite.
  • RCM Meeting Link: The RingCentral Meetings invite URL.
  • RCM Host ID: The RingCentral Meetings unique identifier of the meeting host.
  • Pre-Check Status: This occurs before the migration tool is performed. It indicates if the migration tool has detected that the event has a RingCentral Meetings link, allowing this event to go through the migration process.
  • Is Migrated: Indicates if the meeting invite was migrated to RingCentral Video.
  • Comment: If an error has occurred during the migration process, a comment is provided indicating the type of error. The comment populated here will depend on the status of the event.
  • If the event migration results in a Failed or Error status, one of the following comments will appear:
  • FailedToGetRcmMeetingInfo: Indicates that the user’s RCM invites info failed to fetch from API in this migration batch. To fix the error, try running the migration tool again.
  • RcmMeetingNotFound: Indicates that the RCM invites were not found in the tool’s detection process. This could result from the RCM invites being changed. To fix the error, try running the migration tool again.
  • SettingsUnMapped: Indicates that the RCM invites settings failed to match RCV settings. To fix the error, either try running the migration tool again or modify the RCV settings manually.
  • FailedToReplaceEventBody: Indicates that the tool failed to replace the RCM invites email body information into RCV invite information.
  • FailedToScheduleRCV: Indicates that the tool failed to migrate the RCM invites into RCV.
  • FailedToUpdateCalendarEvent: Indicates that the tool failed to update the new RCV invites into the user’s calendar.
  • FailedToHandleRecurringEvent: Indicates that the tool failed to migrate the RCM recurring meetings into RCV accordingly.
  • FailedToGetDialInNumbers: Indicates that the tool failed to migrate the dial-in phone number in the email invite’s main body from RCM to RCV.
  • If event migration results in a Skip or No events status, one of the follow comments will appear:
  • CancelOrDraftEvent: Indicates that the meeting invite was canceled or still in draft format, so it did not migrate.
  • NotRCM: Indicates that the meeting invite was not an RCM invite and did not migrate.
  • RCV Meeting Link: The RingCentral Video meeting invite URL.
  • RCV Host ID: The RingCentral Video unique identifier of the meeting host.
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