Inviting cohosts and panelists

Last updated on March 15, 2022

Table of contents

As a cohost, you can start and run the webinar without the host or co-run the webinar with the host. Panelists can be invited to a webinar to present using audio, video, and screen-sharing. There can be up to 99 cohosts and panelists in a webinar.

Inviting cohosts via your RingCentral Contacts list

  1. Go to Webinar via the left navigation bar.
  2. On the Upcoming tab under My Webinars, hover over the scheduled webinar and click the View or edit webinar details pencil icon.
View or edit webinar details
  1. On the Hosts & panelists card, click Invite on the right of Cohosts.
Invite cohosts via the Host & panelists card
  1. Enter the name(s) or email address(es) of the person(s) you want to add as cohost(s).

    Note: A cohost must be a part of your RingCentral account (coworker).
  2. Click Send now or Send later. If you selected Send later and would like to send the invite now, click Send now at the top right of the Hosts & panelists card.

    Note: You may select the Send later option if you have a group of cohosts and panelists in mind but have not finalized the list.
Invite cohosts

Inviting panelists

  1. Go to Webinar via the left navigation bar.
  2. On the Upcoming tab under My Webinars, hover over the scheduled webinar and click the View or edit webinar details pencil icon.
  3. On Hosts & panelists card, click Invite on the right of Panelists.
Invite panelists via the Host & panelists card
  1. Enter the name(s) of the person(s) you want to add as panelist(s). If you want to invite a panelist who doesn’t belong to your company, you can add their email address(es).
  2. Click Send now or Send later. If you selected Send later and would like to send the invite now, click Send now on the top right of the Hosts & panelists card.
Invite panelists

Importing a list of panelists

  1. Go to Webinar via the left navigation bar.
  2. On the Upcoming tab under My Webinars, hover over the scheduled webinar and click the View or edit webinar details pencil icon.
  3. On Hosts & panelists card, click Invite on the right of Panelists.
  4. Click Import from CSV. If you don’t have the file ready yet, click Download template. Fill in the template with this info and save the .csv file:
    1. First column: First name
    2. Second column: Last name
    3. Third column: Email address
Import from CSV
Download template
  1. Click Upload file, locate the .csv file on your computer, and click Open.
  2. Click Import, then click Send now or Send later. If you selected Send later and would like to send the invite now, just click Send now at the top right of the Hosts & panelists card.
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