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Release Notes

RingCentral Video Desktop & Web | June 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Video Desktop & Web.
Release Date: 25.06.2020
What's New
  • Network Quality Indicator is always shown for all participants in video gallery, participant panel and sharing status bar.
  • RCV Outlook add-in allows scheduling in Windows Outlook delegated calendars.
  • Cloud recording is available for AT&T Office@Hand.
  • Improved video quality for high pixel density displays.
  • UX improvements
    • Toolbar audio "Switch to phone call" opens "Call me" option by default.
    • Improved text for locked meeting screen and meetings scheduled by disabled user
    • Tooltips for the participants and chat panel
VERSION 20.2.2
Release Date: 03.06.2020
What's New
Audio Quality
  • Automatically adjust audio bitrate during poor network conditions to optimize voice quality
  •  Improved monitoring of network conditions to prioritize audio quality vs video
  • Improved toolbar video menu formatting for selecting camera devices
  • Improved input level display in mic button to more accurately track voice level
  • Updated muted RCV mic and camera toolbar icons to more clearly show their state
  • Don't show Powerpoint/Keynote screen sharing tooltip for Chrome 80+ since warning no longer needed.
  • Updated RCV invitation text to clearly show meeting ID for new mobile participants who are prompted to enter it.
  • Updated join meeting pages when the RingCentral app isn’t installed to download the new RingCentral app instead of the older RingCentral “Classic” app.
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