Downloading Q&A data

Last updated on March 15, 2022
Hosts can access the Q&A report after the webinar is over. Hosts can download a copy of all the questions and answers posted in the Q&A window in .csv format. 
  1. Go to Webinar > Past on the left-hand navigation.
  2. Go to the webinar you want to download the Q&A from. You can also hover over the webinar and click the eye icon.
The eye icon when hovering over a past webinar
  1. Click the download icon on the Q&A card.
Download Q&A button
The Q&A report will have the following columns:
The downloaded QA report
  • Questions: Lists the questions asked during the webinar.
  • Asked by: Names of the askers.
  • Asker's email: Shows the emails of the askers.
  • Time asked: Shows the time of the questions asked. The time is in time, date, timezone format.
  • Upvotes: The number of likes each question got.
  • Answers: Shows the answer to each question or how each answer is tagged during the webinar. Answers can be tagged as ​​Answered live, Dismissed, Duplicate, Not answered, or Waiting for follow-up.
  • Answered by: Names of the people who answered the question.
  • Answerer's email: Shows the emails of the answerer.
  • Time answered: Shows the time the question is answered. The time is in time, date, timezone format.
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