Engage Voice | Activity tracking reports

Activity tracking reports are a standardized way to get information on the message and agent activity in your contact center. There are a variety of reports that represent the most common data that you may want to analyze. You can find activity tracking reports by navigating to Analytics > Digital analytics > Activity Tracking and selecting a specific report.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) mode

Most of the time, your agents have actual working times in the interface that vary from one agent to another. This makes comparing performance between agents more complex because the volume of production depends on the time they spend in the tool. 
The full-time equivalent mode is available in certain reports, including the Messages activity and Cases activity reports, to allow you to compare the performance of agents who work different amounts of time. You can turn this mode on or off by selecting On or Off from the FTE control. The default is Off. The system calculates the presence time of agents to extrapolate agent performance on the basis of an FTE. The calculation is based on presence time.
Enabling FTE in these reports allows you to see agent performance on an equal footing (by default, based on a seven-hour work day). For example, if an agent works for one hour during which they close 10 cases, the extrapolation in FTE mode will be 70 closures. If their colleague closes 30 cases in 3.5 hours, then the extrapolation in FTE mode will be 60 closures.
Let’s review the different Activity tracking reports that you can use.

Messages activity report

This report gives the absolute number of messages per action type per day over the selected period. 
The types of action are:
  • Pre-categorizations
  • Ignores
  • Replies (private or public)
Per agent, the table presents the distribution of messages according to their processing over the selected period. The graph shows the number of cancellations, closures, openings, and reopenings of messages over the selected period. Note that just because an agent has a high number of responses does not mean that they solve as many customer inquiries.

The Cases activity report better represents agent performance than the Messages activity report. This is because an agent may need to send more replies than another to solve a customer inquiry. For example, a technical problem will require more replies than a mere request for information.

Interpreting results: comparing agent performance in terms of replies

By enabling the FTE, you can compare the performance of your agents on the same basis; for an equivalent presence time, you get the number of actions on messages that agents would perform theoretically.
Say, for example, Cyrille is an agent. Cyrille only logs in to the platform occasionally to reply to messages that have been assigned to him. He does not categorize his own messages. He logs in only to reply, and then logs out. Suppose that given these facts, Cyrille has no categorization or ignores, but has 10 replies over the selected period. Because of his short presence time, Cyrille’s estimated number of replies/day is skewed data.
View of comparing agent performance in terms of replies

Cases activity report

This report shows the absolute number of cases per type of action over the selected period. The detail shows, by agent, the distribution of cases by status, over the selected period. The possible statuses are:
  • Auto-Closed: A setting allows you to set a time period after which cases are closed automatically. This statistic also includes chat automatically closed by the app when the user logs out
  • Canceled: A case is canceled when the agent clicks on Cancel case. An agent can only cancel a case if they have not yet started to reply to the customer. The number of cancellations should remain fairly low if the agents have understood how messages work. A cancellation can occur only once per case
  • Closed: A case is closed when the agent clicks on Solve
  • Opened: A case is opened when the agent clicks on Engage. An opening can only occur once per case
  • Reopened: A case is reopened if a new customer message is imported after the casewas closed. The number of reopenings per case is not limited

Interpreting results: Comparing agent performance in terms of case openings

This report compares agent performance based on how many cases are opened. For example, say that we are sorting openings in a descending order and we see that Julie is in first position with 188 openings.
When you turn on FTE, Julie’s performance is reduced. By reviewing an Agent activity report, you see that over the same period, Julie is more present and active in the system. You can then infer that if Camille worked the same amount of hours as Julie, she would theoretically open more cases.
View of comparing agent performance in terms of intervention openings

Ensuring that agents do not close cases too early

Evaluating the number of closures per agent is not enough to assess an agent's performance. An agent may believe that they have solved the customer’s problem and therefore solved the case, but it may be different from the customer’s point of view, who may reopen the case. You should review the number of reopened cases.

To allow you to take into account both the number of closures and reopenings, the system introduces the concept of consolidated closure. A consolidated closure corresponds to a closed case that has never been reopened or to a case that has already been reopened but which is closed at the time of the consultation (Consolidated closures = Closures - Reopenings). If sorting on the Consolidated closures column reveals agents with a number of reopenings equal to or close to the number of closures, this might be due to one or both of the following problems:
  • The agent clicked Solve believing that a customer’s request is solved when it is not
  • The agent may not know that they can delay a case
Ensuring that agents do not close interventions too early
For example, you examine the closures and reopenings for two agents. Agent Claire has 0 consolidated closures/day, which means that all the cases she closed were reopened by a customer message. The reopening of so many cases is not productive, and Claire should receive training on deferring cases.
By contrast, another problem is when an agent Thomas has an average of 53.57 openings but no closures. Thomas may not know that a case must be closed once the customer inquiry is solved. For a detailed view of closed cases with or without reopenings, see the First contact resolution report.
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