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Release Notes > Events > October 2024
Release Notes

RingCentral Events | October 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Events.

Release date: October 7, 2024

  • HubSpot Integration - Engagement Signals & Import Registrants:

    Note: This will be rolled out to all organizers by the end of month.

    New enhancements to our HubSpot Integration:
    1. Registrants instead of invitees: Organizers that use HubSpot forms to register people to their RingCentral Events will now see those registrants pass through to RCE as Registrants, instead of Invitees. Registrants with no RingCentral Events account tied to the email will receive a confirmation email that an account has been created for them (which also includes the details of how to remove that account).
    2. Engagement signals: Organizers will start receiving data points about their attendee’s engagement. Customers can turn on or off syncing this data from the HubSpot App configuration window found in the RC Events Organizer Dashboard. With this launch, the option will be ON by default, so that data can start flowing on day one.

      Syncing affects all events and cannot be configured for each event individually. After enabling the option in the app configuration wizard, syncing will be turned on for all existing (ongoing or future) events, and will be applied to newly-created events as they appear. Note that for ongoing events data/activities will be synced only after the option has been turned on. Previous activity data is not synced. The same applies to events which had already ended.Turning the feature off after having it on will prevent timeline events from reaching HubSpot.

      Signals that will be available as Lead Timeline updates in HubSpot:
  • Attended event
  • Attended Virtual Area
  • Time spent in an event area
  • Attended Onsite Area
  • Clicked CTA
  • Chat message sent
  • Asked a question
  • Voted in a poll
  • Lead scan (for Onsite)
  • Booked a meeting
  • Clicked Expo Booth URL
HubSpot Integration - Engagement Signals & Import Registrants
  • Simulive segments for events: Organizers can now schedule videos from their Recordings, My Uploads or Clips to run automatically at a specific point in time on Stages or Sessions. They can edit their timings if needed, and can see exactly what is scheduled to run and at what time, either from the Table or Calendar views.
Simulive segments for events
Host past event recordings on advanced landing pages

The API should accept the following fields in the request body for partial updates:

  • firstName (Optional, string)
  • lastName (Optional, string)
  • headline (Optional, string)
  • ticketId (Optional, string)
  • externalBarcode (Optional, string)
  • answers (Optional, Array of Objects)

Response Codes:

  • 200 OK: Registration is successfully updated, returning the updated registration details.
  • 400 Bad Request: Returned if invalid data is provided in the request body.
  • 404 Not Found: Returned if the provided registrationId does not exist.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity: Returned if syntactically correct data is semantically invalid (e.g., answers do not match expected questions).
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Returned in case of unexpected server errors.
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