Desktop & web

RingCentral Video Virtual Background and Presentation
Mode system requirements for desktop and web
| RingCentral Video

Last updated on September 02, 2021

Table of contents

Virtual Background and Presentation Mode in RingCentral Video are resource-intensive features. To make the most of these features, check your system to ensure you meet the minimum requirements.  
Windows 10 v1809 or later
macOS 10.15 Catalina or later
Processor At least 4 cores
Clock speed At least 2.3 GHz per core
RAM 8 GB or more
GPU type Mid-range, dedicated

How to run a performance test

RingCentral Video runs a performance test the first time you try to enable Virtual Background and Presentation Mode on the web or desktop application.
The performance test measures the average number of video frames that are processed by your computer with Virtual Background or Presentation mode enabled. If the average number of frames generated during the measurement is below 7 frames per second, the test will fail and will instruct you to try again.
If you meet the system requirements, but the performance test fails, try the following steps:
  1. Disable HD video output.
  2. Close all browser tabs or applications you don’t need to run alongside RingCentral Video. Afterward, try the performance test again. Navigate to More > Settings Virtual background/Presentation mode, and re-run the test.
  3. Try taking the test before the meeting:
    1. Navigate to Settings via the left-hand navigation bar.
    2. Select Video from the left panel
    3. Click on Edit to the right of Video meeting settings.
    4. Select either Virtual background or Presentation mode.
Note: Often, taking the test multiple times in rapid succession will allow the test to pass. However, please note you may have lower performance when using the feature.

How to verify your graphics processing unit (GPU) type

The graphics processing unit (GPU), also known as video card or graphics card, is a specialized electronic circuit that allows your computer to create images, videos, and animations.
There are two forms of GPU: Dedicated graphics card or discrete and integrated graphics. The RingCentral desktop app and RingCentral Video web recommend that you have a discrete GPU to run the virtual background and presentation mode features.

How to verify your GPU type for Mac

  1. Click the Apple menu at the top left.
  2. Click About This Mac
  3. Look under Graphics. to view the GPU that’s currently in use on your Mac.
Verifying GPU type for Mac

How to verify your GPU type for Windows

  1. Hit the Windows + X keys on your keyboard and then click Device Manager.
Click the search button, type device manager, and then click Device Manager.
Verifying GPU type for Windows
  1. Click the arrow next to Display adapters.
Verifying GPU type for Windows
  • In an Intel-based Windows computer, if you only have one device listed under Display adapters, your computer uses an integrated graphics card. If you see more than one device, your computer has a discrete graphics card.
  • If you only have one adapter listed in an AMD-based Windows computer, it can be more difficult to determine whether it is a discrete or integrated graphics card.
To learn more, you can visit the AMD website or perform an online search for your GPU model.
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