Platform Requirements

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Platform Requirements

These are the minimum workstation requirements to run RingCentral Contact Center applications. If your contact center is running additional applications, you may need to update these requirements accordingly.

Computer Hardware

RingCentral Contact Center Platform

  • Intel i3 processor (or comparable) or higher at 3 GHz or faster
  • 2 GB of available memory (note: this is available memory, not total system memory)
If using Personal Connection at a dialing ratio higher than 3:1, the following agent workstation specifications are highly recommended: a faster CPU and additional RAM.
  • Intel i3 processor (or comparable) or higher at 3 GHZ or faster
  • 4GB memory; 8GB memory if running other applications in addition to their calling activity

Internet Broadband Access Required

RingCentral Contact Center Platform

  • 35 kbps bandwidth per workstation for data transport
  • Less than 200 ms average round-tripping reply between workstation and RingCentral Contact Center servers

VoIP Bandwidth Requirements

  • Based on the codec implementation
  • G.711 codec requires 88 kbps per simultaneous call
  • G.729 codec requires 40 kbps per simultaneous call
(For example, the number of simultaneous calls x codec kbps = total bandwidth needed)
Codec bandwidth use is bidirectional, so it is 88 up and 88 down simultaneously for a given G.711 call.
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